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[英]Dependency Property not updating

I'm trying to add parameters to my custom validation rule. 我正在尝试向自定义验证规则添加参数。 For this I defined a dependency object like this: 为此,我定义了一个依赖对象,如下所示:

public class SettingsValueValidationDependencyObject : DependencyObject
    public Custom.ValueType ValueTypeForValidation
        get { return (Custom.ValueType)this.GetValue(ValueTypeForValidationProperty); }
        set { this.SetValue(ValueTypeForValidationProperty, value); }

    public static readonly DependencyProperty ValueTypeForValidationProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("ValueTypeForValidation", typeof(Custom.ValueType), typeof(SettingsValueValidationDependencyObject), new UIPropertyMetadata(Custom.ValueType.Int32Value));

My validation rule class looks like this: 我的验证规则类如下所示:

public class SettingsValueValidationRule : ValidationRule
    public SettingsValueValidationDependencyObject SettingsValueValidationDependencyObject

    public override ValidationResult Validate(object value, System.Globalization.CultureInfo cultureInfo)
        // validation...

xaml code: XAML代码:

<DataGridTextColumn Header="Value" Width="150">
        <Binding Path="Value">
                        <validators:SettingsValueValidationDependencyObject ValueTypeForValidation="{Binding ValueType}"/>

The two properties Value and ValueType both belong to the same object and the DataGrid's ItemsSource is bound to a list of these object. Value和ValueType这两个属性都属于同一个对象,DataGrid的ItemsSource绑定到这些对象的列表。 When I edit the Value cell, the ValueTypeForValidation property is always the default value (I also have a column to display the ValueType and its definitely another value). 当我编辑“值”单元格时,ValueTypeForValidation属性始终是默认值(我也有一列显示ValueType及其绝对是另一个值)。 I also tried to update the BindingExpression manually in the Validate method but it won't work. 我也尝试在Validate方法中手动更新BindingExpression,但无法正常工作。 What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

There is no Binding in ValidationRules. ValidationRules中没有绑定。

ValidationRules are not part of LogicalTree and so there is no DataContext to serve as Source in your Binding. ValidationRules不是LogicalTree的一部分,因此没有DataContext可以用作绑定中的Source。

There are however few tricks on the internet how to make a ValidationRule "bindable". 但是,互联网上很少有技巧可以使ValidationRule“可绑定”。

Take a look at this tut: 看一下这个tut:

Binding on a Non-UIElement 在非UIElement上绑定

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