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[英]Where can I find a Text-to-Speech component for delphi?

I want to add text to speech user guided instruction to my applications. 我想向我的应用程序的语音用户指导说明中添加文本。 Where can I find a Text to speech component to do that. 在哪里可以找到“文字转语音”组件来执行此操作。 I do not want to use the Windows functions. 我不想使用Windows功能。

语音语音工具(Chant SpeechKit)可以帮助您http://www.chant.net/Products/SpeechKit/Default.aspx

I read the Brian Long articles 我读了Brian Long的文章

http://www.blong.com/Conferences/DCon2002/Speech/Speech.htm http://www.blong.com/Conferences/DCon2002/Speech/SAPI51/SAPI51.htm http://www.blong.com/Conferences/DCon2002/Speech/Speech.htm http://www.blong.com/Conferences/DCon2002/Speech/SAPI51/SAPI51.htm

And wrote my own. 并写了我自己的。 I use this all day long to read newsgroups, emails and articles. 我整天都在阅读新闻组,电子邮件和文章。

If you just want a Delphi component that 'wraps' the Windows speech API, you could try this: 如果您只想使用“包装” Windows Speech API的Delphi组件,则可以尝试以下操作:

http://www.o2a.com/dtalk.htm http://www.o2a.com/dtalk.htm

However, if you want a complete speech synthesizer which is totally independent of the Windows system, that's a different problem. 但是,如果您想要一个完全独立于Windows系统的完整语音合成器,那就是另一个问题。

A few suggestions after a wander thru the web: 在网上漫步后的一些建议:


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