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[英]AngularJs promise not updating shared Shopping Cart

I'm not sure why this customer data doesn't update the shoppingCart.html template, this function is part of a shared model class returned by a factory. 我不确定为什么该客户数据不会更新shoppingCart.html模板,该函数是工厂返回的共享模型类的一部分。

the $http is injected but the model class can't manage to update itself inside the promise result. $ http被注入,但是模型类无法在promise结果中进行自我更新。 So the template is finally updated. 因此,模板终于更新了。 What would be the best way to do that? 最好的方法是什么?

http://plnkr.co/edit/ro6FTa5AbhnzrMsnWIyi?p=preview http://plnkr.co/edit/ro6FTa5AbhnzrMsnWIyi?p=preview

    shoppingCart.prototype.fillCustomerInformation = function()
        var customerDeferred = this.$q.defer();
        var customerApi = customerDeferred.promise;

        this.$http.get('/customer.json').then(function (result) {
            this.customer.firstName = result.data.firstName;


The problem is, that this refers to the success ajax handler. 问题是, this涉及成功的ajax处理程序。 You can do this: 你可以这样做:

shoppingCart.prototype.fillCustomerInformation = function()
        var customerDeferred = this.$q.defer();
        var customerApi = customerDeferred.promise;
        var that = this;

        this.$http.get('/customer.json').then(function (result) {
            that.customer.firstName = result.data.firstName;


Well for a start you have firstName spelt wrong in result.data.firtName instead of result.data.firstName 首先,您在result.data.firtName firstName拼写错误,而不是result.data.firstName

Secondly there are many ways to bind service members to scope variables but what i found was the best way of doing that is to do stuff like 其次,有很多方法可以将服务成员绑定到作用域变量,但是我发现最好的方法是像

  function () {
    return DataService.cart;
  function (newVal, oldVal) {
    // do your stuff to manage updates here

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