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无法将类型void隐式转换为System.Threading.Tasks.Task <bool>

[英]Cannot implicity convert type void to System.Threading.Tasks.Task<bool>

I have a WCF Service that contains the following method. 我有一个WCF服务,其中包含以下方法。 All the methods in the service are asynchrounous and compile just fine. 服务中的所有方法都是异步的,可以正常编译。

public async Task<Boolean> ValidateRegistrationAsync(String strUserName)
        using (YeagerTechEntities DbContext = new YeagerTechEntities())
            DbContext.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;

            var reg = await DbContext.aspnet_Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(f => f.UserName == strUserName);

            if (reg != null)
                return true;
                return false;
    catch (Exception)

My client application was set to access the WCF service with the check box for the "Allow generation of asynchronous operations" and it generated the proxy just fine. 我的客户端应用程序被设置为使用“允许异步操作生成”复选框访问WCF服务,并且它生成的代理很好。

I am receiving the above subject error when trying to call this WCF service method from my client with the following code. 尝试使用以下代码从客户端调用此WCF服务方法时,收到上述主题错误。 Mind you, I know what the error message means, but this is my first time trying to call an asynchronous task in a WCF service from a client. 请注意,我知道错误消息的含义,但这是我第一次尝试从客户端调用WCF服务中的异步任务。

Task<Boolean> blnMbrShip = db.ValidateRegistrationAsync(FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(cn.Value).Name);

What do I need to do to properly call the method so the design time compile error disappears? 我需要怎么做才能正确调用该方法,以便设计时编译错误消失?

The WCF proxy is old; WCF代理较旧; try to re-create the proxy with a newer (VS2012/VS2013) proxy generator. 尝试使用更新的(VS2012 / VS2013)代理生成器重新创建代理。

Specifically, it is generating Event-based Asynchronous Pattern endpoints, and you need Task-based Asynchronous Pattern endpoints. 具体来说,它正在生成基于事件的异步模式端点,并且您需要基于任务的异步模式端点。

If this is for a Silverlight client, then the auto-generated proxy will refuse to create TAP methods. 如果这是针对Silverlight客户端的,则自动生成的代理将拒绝创建TAP方法。 In that case, you'd need to write your own wrappers (which are pretty easy , just rather tedious). 在这种情况下,您需要编写自己的包装器(这很简单 ,很繁琐)。


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