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[英]Removing every child element EXCEPT first child?

function sortPosts() {
var pSort = document.getElementById('pSort').selectedIndex;
var pstSort = document.getElementById('pSort').options;
var sorted = pstSort[pSort].value;
var hr = new XMLHttpRequest();
var url = "...";
var vars = "sort="+sorted;
hr.open("POST", url, true);
hr.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
hr.onreadystatechange = function() {
    if (hr.readyState === 4 && hr.status === 200) {
        var return_data = hr.responseText;
        var cntnt = document.getElementById('content');
        while ((cntnt.lastChild !== '
         <select id="pSort">
          <option value="all" selected="true">All Posts</option>
          <option value="friends">Friends\' Posts</option>
          <option value="following">Following\'s Posts</option></select>' && cntnt.childNodes.length !== 1) || (cntnt.firstChild != '<select id="pSort"><option value="all" selected="true">All Posts</option><option value="friends">Friends\' Posts</option><option value="following">Following\'s Posts</option></select>' && cntnt.childNodes.length != 1)) {
        document.getElementById('content').innerHTML += return_data;
        document.getElementById('content').style.opacity = '1.0';
document.getElementById('content').style.opacity = "0.5";

} }

I need to remove every child element in the div#content element until only the select element remains. 我需要删除div#content元素中的每个子元素,直到只剩下select元素。 I would say every child element except the first, but it seems there's an invisible text node in Chrome within the div#content element that I have no control over. 我会说除了第一个之外的每个子元素,但似乎在我无法控制的div#content元素中的Chrome中有一个不可见的文本节点。

Or if you have a better way to keep the select element on the page while ajax loads new content and removes the old content, I'd love to hear it. 或者如果你有一个更好的方法来保持页面上的选择元素,而ajax加载新内容并删除旧内容,我很乐意听到它。

To remove all but the first child: 删除除第一个孩子以外的所有孩子:

while (cntnt.childNodes.length > 1) {

You could also filter by the id of the select you want to save 您还可以按要保存的selectid进行过滤

while (cntnt.lastChild.id !== 'pSort') {

Or your could just get the innerHTML of pSort and append it with the ajax response right away, without having to loop to remove elements 或者你可以只获取pSortinnerHTML并立即附加ajax响应,而不必循环删除元素

cntnt.innerHTML = document.getElementById('pSort').innerHTML + return_data;

You can do it this way: 你可以这样做:

const firstElementChild = yearRangeToSelector.firstElementChild;
    selectElement.innerHTML = '';

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