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[英]How do I properly test whether my postfix expression is valid?

I was given an assignment to write a program that evaluates a postfix expression using the stack. 我被分配编写一个程序,该程序使用堆栈评估后缀表达式。

I wrote the program and it seems to be working for the most part, however it is having issues determining whether the expression is valid. 我编写了该程序,它似乎在大多数情况下都有效,但是它在确定表达式是否有效方面存在问题。

Here are the basic steps that I've done: 以下是我已完成的基本步骤:

  1. Ask user to input an expression (store as string) 要求用户输入表达式(存储为字符串)
  2. Iterate through each char and determine if the char is an operand, operator, space, or invalid character 遍历每个char并确定char是操作数,运算符,空格还是无效字符
  3. if(char == operand) push onto stack if(char ==操作数)压入堆栈
  4. if(char == operator) pop twice and do arithmetic then push result onto stack if(char ==运算符)弹出两次并执行算术运算,然后将结果压入堆栈
  5. Outside of loop, if(!stack.empty()) result == stack.top, stack.pop 在循环外,if(!stack.empty())结果== stack.top,stack.pop
  6. else invalid expression 否则无效的表达

So the above works well if the stack is empty already, but if there are more operands on the stack the result simply prints out. 因此,如果堆栈已经为空,则上面的方法效果很好,但是如果堆栈上有更多的操作数,则结果只会打印出来。 This is obviously incorrect because it should be an invalid expression if there are multiple operands still on the stack. 这显然是不正确的,因为如果堆栈上还有多个操作数,则它应该是无效的表达式。

I was thinking I should do a while(!stack.empty()) result = stack.top, stack.pop() however, this would still have the same issue. 我在想我应该做while(!stack.empty()) result = stack.top, stack.pop()但是,这仍然会有同样的问题。

Can someone tell me how I should be testing it properly? 有人可以告诉我如何正确测试吗?

Code: 码:

int main() 
    string expression;
    char response;
    int result = -1;        //result of expression. Initialized to -1
    Stack stack;


    do {
        cout << "Would you like to enter an expression? (y / n)" << endl;
        cin >> response;
        response = toupper(response);

            case 'Y':
                //needed due to new line
                doWork(stack, expression, result);
            case 'N':
                cout << "Exiting program." << endl;
                cout << "Invalid response. Try again." << endl;

    } while(response != 'N');

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

doWork (don't worry, it'll be renamed) function: doWork(不用担心,它将被重命名)功能:

void doWork(Stack stack, string expression, int result)
    cout << "Enter a PostFix expression: ";
    getline(cin, expression);

    for(int i = 0; i < expression.size(); i++)
        if(expression[i] == ' ') {
            //do nothing
        } else if(isInteger(expression[i])) {
        } else if(isOperator(expression[i])) {
           // pop last 2 ints from stack and do arithmetic on them 
           int a = stack.top();
           int b = stack.top();
           // push result onto stack 
           stack.push(calculate(a, b, expression[i]));
        } else {
           //cerr : enter different expression
           cout << expression[i] << " is an invalid character." << endl;

    //the result should be the top of stack
    if(!stack.empty()) {
        result = stack.top();
    } else {
        cout << "Invalid expression." << endl;

    cout << "Result: " << result << endl;

To validate your expression, you need to test multiple conditions. 要验证您的表达,您需要测试多个条件。

  • During expression validation, the stack should never empty. 在表达式验证期间,堆栈永远不应为空。 That is, you should not get stack.empty() while popping the arguments to any operator. 也就是说,在将参数弹出给任何运算符时,您不应获取stack.empty()
  • Once you're done evaluating the expression, the stack should have precisely one element on it. 完成对表达式的求值后,堆栈上应该恰好有一个元素。 You can determine this through the following procedure (assuming your Stack doesn't have a method for returning the current stack depth): 您可以通过以下过程确定这一点(假设您的Stack没有返回当前堆栈深度的方法):
    1. First check to see if the stack is empty. 首先检查堆栈是否为空。 If so: Error. 如果是这样:错误。
    2. Next, pop off the top of stack as your potential result . 接下来,弹出堆栈顶部,作为可能的结果 Set it aside. 放在一边。
    3. Now, check again to see if the stack is empty. 现在,再次检查堆栈是否为空。 If it is not empty : Error. 如果不为空 :错误。
    4. Finally, if you've made it to here without an error, return the potential result as the final result. 最后,如果到这里没有错误,则将潜在结果作为最终结果返回。

That should do it. 那应该做。

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