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[英]Pivot table calculated Field from count of values

I have a pivot table, and in the values I have the count of some fields. 我有一个数据透视表,在值中有一些字段的数量。

 Region |   Count of Actuals    |   Count of Budgets    |   Percentage of Actuals
 Asia   |   40                  |   80                  |   ???

I want to add a calculated field to the pivot table "Percentage of Actuals" The formula should be [Count of Actuals]/[Count of Budgets] 我想将数据字段添加到数据透视表“实际百分比”中,公式应为[实际计数] / [预算计数]

How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

The Regions are already being counted so there is no need to include "Count of" in the formula. 区域已经在计算中,因此无需在公式中包括“ Count of”。 I agree with @Andre that this might not really be what you want, but for what you ask just add a calculated field with Formula: Actuals/Budgets . 我同意@Andre的观点,这可能并不是您真正想要的,但是对于您要的内容,只需添加一个带有公式的字段即可: Actuals/Budgets

Select your PT so that PivotTable Tools appears at the top of your screen, Options > Tools - Formulas, Calculated Field..., add a sensible name (perhaps %Act. ) in the Name: box and in Formula: put =Actuals/Budgets , OK. 选择您的PT,以便数据透视表工具出现在屏幕顶部,然后依次选择选项>工具-公式,计算字段...,在名称:框中,在公式中添加一个明智的名称(也许是%Act. ):put =Actuals/Budgets ,好的。

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