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[英]how smarty use cache in this case

$tags = $tagService->tagList();
$categories = $categoryService->categoryList();
$sidebarData = $smarty->createData();
$sidebarData->assign("tags", $tags);
$sidebarData->assign("categories", $categories);
$sidebarHtml = $smarty->fetch("sidebar.tpl", $sidebarData);

} }

I want assign $sidebarHtml to another Template, bu it seems dosen't work, I can get $sidebarHtml, through: 我想将$ sidebarHtml分配给另一个模板,但似乎不起作用,我可以通过以下方式获取$ sidebarHtml:
I need $tags and $categories for 'sidebar.tpl' 我需要'sidebar.tpl'的$ tags和$ categories
or 要么
$smarty->fetch("sidebar.tpl", $sidebarData);
the $sidebarData is undefined $ sidebarData未定义

how to deal in this case 在这种情况下如何处理

This page: http://www.smarty.net/docs/en/api.is.cached.tpl 本页: http//www.smarty.net/docs/en/api.is.cached.tpl

Shows this example:

if(!$smarty->isCached('index.tpl')) {
// do database calls, assign vars here


So in your case you should put the fetch after the closing } of the iscached's if. 因此,在您的情况下,应将提取操作放在iscached的if的结束}之后。

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