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[英]display hours and minutes after calculating difference between 2 unix times php

i have been having trouble displaying the hours and minutes after calculating the difference between 2 different unix timestamps. 在计算2个不同的unix时间戳之间的差异后,我一直无法显示小时和分钟。 Lets say i have these 2 unix timestamps: 可以说我有这两个unix时间戳:

1) 1384327800
2) 1384300800

the difference is 不同的是


if i divide 27000/3600 i get 如果我除了27000/3600我得到


but what i want is to display 但我想要的是显示


or 要么

7 hours and 30 minutes

what is the best way to go about this? 什么是最好的方法呢?

All you need to do it a little calculation: 所有你需要做一点计算:

$diff = 27000;

$hour = floor($diff / 3600);
$min  = floor(($diff - $hour * 3600) / 60);
$sec = $diff - $hour * 3600 - $min * 60;

echo "$hour hours, $min minutes, $sec seconds";

Or try it with DateTime class: 或者使用DateTime类尝试:

$dt1 = new DateTime('@1384327800');
$dt2 = new DateTime('@1384300801');
$diff = $dt1->diff($dt2);
echo $diff->format('%h hours, %i minutes, %s seconds');

Algorithmic way (with no automatic calculation with any function/library) : 算法方式(不使用任何函数/库自动计算):

$diff_in_minutes = ($timestamp1 - $timestamp2) / 60;
$minutes = $diff_in_minutes % 60;
$hours = ($diff_in_minutes - $minutes) / 60;

$diff_string = $hours . ':' . $minutes;

Look at DateTime() and DateInterval::format() 查看DateTime()DateInterval::format()

$dt1 = new DateTime('@1384327800');
$dt2 = new DateTime('@1384300800');
$diff = $dt1->diff($dt2);
echo $diff->format('%h hours and %i minutes');

This last little bit will remove unnecessary time periods from your string if so desired. 如果需要,最后一点可以从字符串中删除不必要的时间段。

$elapsed = $diff->format('%y years, %m months, %a days, %h hours, %i minutes, %S seconds');
$elapsed = str_replace(array('0 years,', ' 0 months,', ' 0 days,',  ' 0 hours,', ' 0 minutes,'), '', $elapsed);
$elapsed = str_replace(array('1 years, ', ' 1 months, ', ' 1 days, ',  ' 1 hours, ', ' 1 minutes'), array('1 year, ', '1 month, ', ' 1 day, ', ' 1 hour, ', ' 1 minute'), $elapsed);
echo $elapsed;

For full long formatting exactly as described: 完全按照描述完全长格式化:

$timestamp1 = new DateTime('@1384327800');
$timestamp2 = new DateTime('@1384300800');
$diff = $timestamp1->diff($timestamp2);
$timemap = array('y' => 'year',
                 'm' => 'month',
                 'd' => 'day',
                 'h' => 'hour',
                 'i' => 'minute',
                 's' => 'second');
$timefmt = array();

foreach ($timemap as $prop => $desc) {
    if ($diff->$prop > 0) {
        $timefmt[] = ($diff->$prop > 1) ? "{$diff->$prop} {$desc}s" : "{$diff->$prop} $desc";

$diffstr = (count($timefmt) > 1)
    ? $diff->format(sprintf('%s and %s',
          implode(', ', array_slice($timefmt, 0, -1)), end($timefmt)))
    : end($timefmt);

This gave me the following: 这给了我以下内容:

string(22) "7 hours and 30 minutes"

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