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闪亮的服务器。 打印JSON作为结果输出

[英]shiny-server. Print JSON as a result output

I'm trying to use shiny-server as a process server: receive URL request, process R subroutines and output JSON as a result. 我正在尝试使用shiny-server作为进程服务器:接收URL请求,处理R子例程并输出JSON作为结果。 but I have been unable print the output directly to the browser in JSON. 但我无法在JSON中直接将输出打印到浏览器。

Is posible to use shiny-server in this way? 是否可以这种方式使用闪亮的服务器?

PD: I know that this is not a tipical use for shiny server PD:我知道这不是闪亮服务器的典型用法

Thanks a lot! 非常感谢!

I found this other package today that wraps R functions RPC/REST-ish: 今天我发现这个包裹R函数RPC / REST-ish的其他包:

https://github.com/trestletech/plumber https://github.com/trestletech/plumber

By commenting an R function like so: 通过注释R函数,如下所示:

#' @get /mean
normalMean <- function(samples=10){
  data <- rnorm(samples)

#' @post /sum
addTwo <- function(a, b){
  as.numeric(a) + as.numeric(b)

You can expose it as a web api: 您可以将其公开为web api:

> library(plumber)
> r <- plumb("myfile.R")  # Where 'myfile.R' is the location of the file shown above
> r$run(port=8000)

It sounds like you are trying to build a REST or JSON-RPC web service using shiny server. 听起来您正在尝试使用闪亮的服务器构建REST或JSON-RPC Web服务。 This is not currently possible (with Shiny Server v1.2). 目前这不可能(使用Shiny Server v1.2)。

Shiny server renders a text/html template (shinyUI) page and uses WebSocket callbacks to populate the content. 闪亮的服务器呈现文本/ html模板(shinyUI)页面并使用WebSocket回调来填充内容。 The answer from @ScottChamberlain will render the JSON in the HTML body of a web browser. @ScottChamberlain的答案将在Web浏览器的HTML正文中呈现JSON。 This won't work for a programmatic web request. 这不适用于程序化Web请求。

I found rApache , Rook and RJSONIO to be a robust and performant solution for JSON web services. 我发现rApacheRookRJSONIO是JSON Web服务的强大且高性能的解决方案。 You will need to be comfortable with configuring the Apache web server and, depending on your platform, building Apache modules. 您需要熟悉Apache Web服务器的配置,并根据您的平台构建Apache模块。

rApache is a module that embeds R into the Apache web server allowing you to host Rook, brew and other R frameworks. rApache是一个将R嵌入Apache Web服务器的模块,允许您托管Rook,brew和其他R框架。

Rook defines an interface between R application and a web server. Rook定义了R应用程序和Web服务器之间的接口。 This makes it easy to deliver your JSON payload with the right content-type. 这使得使用正确的内容类型轻松交付JSON有效负载。

Other options include: 其他选择包括:

  • OpenCPU - A dedicated R HTTP server with explicit support for JSON RPC OpenCPU - 专用的R HTTP服务器,明确支持JSON RPC
  • node-rio - node.js server that interfaces RServe node-rio - 与RServe接口的node.js服务器
  • FastRWeb - CGI or PHP interface to connect a web server to RServe FastRWeb - 用于将Web服务器连接到RServe的CGI或PHP接口
  • RServe - Binary R TCP/IP server RServe - 二进制R TCP / IP服务器
  • httpuv - HTTP and WebSocket server library for R httpuv - R的HTTP和WebSocket服务器库
  • R's built in rhttpd - not recommended for production use R内置rhttpd - 不建议用于生产

What about this simple solution? 这个简单的解决方案呢?

https://gist.github.com/sckott/7478126 https://gist.github.com/sckott/7478126

server.r server.r


shinyServer(function(input, output) {
  output$jsonoutput <- renderText({
    toJSON(list(a = 10, b = 12))

ui.r ui.r



The text doesn't print pretty, but... 文字打印不漂亮,但......

Also, have a look at this answer on the Shiny mailing list: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/shiny-discuss/json $20output/shiny-discuss/-JYOXAeLCtI/kslvMve_FmIJ - that Shiny isn't really designed to serve data as an API. 另外,请看一下Shiny邮件列表上的这个答案: https ://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/shiny-discuss/json $ 20output / shiny-discuss / -JYOXAeLCtI / kslvMve_FmIJ - Shiny isn我的确设计用于将数据作为API提供。

What about hacking shiny. 黑客闪亮怎么样?

httpHandler = function(req){
 message = list(value="hello")
 return(list(status = 200L,
             headers = list('Content-Type' = 'application/json'),
             body = toJSON(message)))
shiny:::handlerManager$addHandler(shiny:::routeHandler("/myEndPoint",httpHandler) , "a_unique_id")

# then start your shiny app ...

Then point you browser to[shinyport]/myEndPoint/ 然后将浏览器指向http://[shinyport]/myEndPoint/

For me it worked by using verbatimTextOutput: 对我来说,它使用verbatimTextOutput工作:

ui.R ui.R


server.R - assume the data to be converted into json is returned by getMainData() server.R - 假设getMainData()返回要转换为json的数据

output$jsonoutput <- renderText({

data <- getMainData()

result <- jsonlite::prettify(jsonlite::toJSON(data, auto_unbox = TRUE), 4)


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