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[英]PHP Login with Username/Password

How would I edit the PHP below to allow for additional or multiple user names and passwords. 我将如何编辑下面的PHP以允许其他或多个用户名和密码。 For example User1 with Password JHFDE3, User2 with Password LKFW34, etc. From what I have read, an associative array would likely be best. 例如,使用密码JHFDE3的User1,使用密码LKFW34的User2,等等。从我的读物来看,关联数组可能是最好的。 There is no database, it is hardcoded to simply login and be able to view a php page. 没有数据库,它被硬编码为简单地登录并能够查看php页面。

For the particular code below, how would I make it into an associative array? 对于下面的特定代码,我如何将其放入关联数组中? Thank you. 谢谢。

session_start(); //initiates the sessions
if ($_POST['submit']) //checks to make sure the login form has been submitted
    $user = "XXXXX";
    $pass = "XXXXXXX";
    if ($_POST['pass'] == $pass && $_POST['user'] == $user) //checks if the password submitted by the user matches the password stored in the $pass variable
        $_SESSION['access'] = 1; //if login is successful create a session that can be authenticated 
        header("Location: " . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); //reload the page. The page will now not load the login form (see the first if condition)
    } else //if password is incorrect reload the login form
        header("Location: " . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
} else if (!$_SESSION['access']) //if the "access" session is not accessible show the form (not logged in)

Try this: 尝试这个:

--------------------------UPDATE---------------------------------- -------------------------- UPDATE ----------------------- -----------

session_start(); //initiates the sessions

//begin testing
$_POST['user'] = 'username1';
$_POST['submit'] = true;
$_POST['password'] = 'pass3';
//end  testing

if (isset($_POST['submit'])) //checks to make sure the login form has been submitted

    $users = array('username1','username2','username3');
    $passwords = array('pass1','pass2','pass3' );
    if(in_array($_POST['user'], $users))
       $key = array_search($_POST['user'], $users);

         $_SESSION['access'] = 1; //if login is successful create a session that can be authenticated 
         //header("Location: " . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
         echo "welcome back ".$_POST['user'];
       } else //if password is incorrect reload the login form
         //header("Location: " . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
          echo "Password incorrect, error, redirecting to login";


  echo "Login form";

Output: 输出:

Password incorrect, error, redirecting to login

But if you change the value of $_POST['password'] to 'pass1', like this: 但是,如果将$ _POST ['password']的值更改为'pass1',则如下所示:

$_POST['password'] = 'pass1';

You have this output: 您有以下输出:

welcome back username1

Saludos ;) 礼炮;)

if it is only two users that should not be hard to get around, you can do something as follows; 如果只有两个用户不难解决,则可以执行以下操作;

//change the variable values accordingly
if ($_POST['submit'])  {
//check if they are equal to your info
if(($_POST['user']==$user1) && $_POST['pass'] == $pass1){
        $_SESSION['access'] = 1; 
        header("Location: " . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); 
} else if(($_POST['user']==$user2) && $_POST['pass'] == $pass2){
        $_SESSION['access'] = 1; 
        header("Location: " . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); 
} else {//not valid at all
//do what you want for login fail


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