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Yii Cgridview过滤器输入框在搜索后未显示搜索字符串

[英]Yii Cgridview Filter Input Box Not Showing Search String After Searching

i'm facing an issue with the filter input box in CGridView. 我在CGridView中的过滤器输入框遇到问题。 So the filter is showing the correct result after entering the search string in the filter input box and hitting enter, but the input box is getting cleared after the result is being shown. 因此,在过滤器输入框中输入搜索字符串并按Enter键后,过滤器将显示正确的结果,但显示结果后将清除输入框。 This makes it quite inconvenient for the user to see what they was searching for because the filter input box is empty while the grid shows the correct search results. 对于用户来说,查看他们正在搜索的内容非常不方便,因为过滤器输入框为空,而网格显示了正确的搜索结果。

Here are the code. 这是代码。

entry view name ::newsReleases.php 条目视图名称:: newsReleases.php

$this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbGridView', array(
    'id' => 'product-news-grid-' . $id,
    'itemsCssClass' => 'table table-striped',
    'htmlOptions' => array(
        'class' => 'news-datagrid',
    'dataProvider' => $dataProvider->searchProductNews($symbol), 
    'filter' => $dataProvider,
    'enableHistory' => false,
    'ajaxUpdate' => 'product-news-grid-' . $id,
    'ajaxUrl' => Yii::app()->createUrl('/realTime/AjaxUpdateProductNews'),
    'pager' => array(
        'header' => '',
        'cssFile' => false,
        'maxButtonCount' => 5,
        'selectedPageCssClass' => 'active',
        'hiddenPageCssClass' => 'disabled',
        'firstPageCssClass' => 'previous',
        'lastPageCssClass' => 'next',
        'firstPageLabel' => '<<',
        'lastPageLabel' => '>>',
        'prevPageLabel' => '<',
        'nextPageLabel' => '>',
    'summaryCssClass' => 'label label-warning',
    'columns' => array(
            'name' => 'headlines',
            'header' => 'Headlines',
            'value' => function($data) {
                return '<div class="product-news"> <a target="_blank" href="' . $data->link . '" > ' . $data->headlines . '</a></div>';
            'type' => 'raw',
            'name' => 'publish_date',
            'header' => 'Date',
            'value' => function($data) {
                return '<span class="news-pub-date">' . $data->publish_date . '</span>';
            'type' => 'raw',

<!-- Now this script had to be included again in order to make the ajax sorting and pagination work, or else none of the ajax functionality is working. Remember when getting stuck with ajax update in grid views always use this script -->

<script type="text/javascript" src="/ProductAnalysis/assets/dd5f9a70/gridview/jquery.yiigridview.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

    jQuery(function($) {


            "selector": "[data-toggle=tooltip]"

        jQuery('#product-news-grid-' + $('#symbol-id').text()).yiiGridView({
            'ajaxUpdate': ['product-news-grid-' + $('#symbol-id').text()],
            'ajaxVar': 'ajax',
            'pagerClass': 'pagination',
            'loadingClass': 'grid-view-loading',
            'filterClass': 'filters',
            'tableClass': 'table table-striped',
            'selectableRows': 1,
            'enableHistory': false,
            'updateSelector': '{page}, {sort}',
            'filterSelector': '{filter}',
            'url': '/ProductAnalysis/index.php/realTime/AjaxUpdateProductNews',
            'pageVar': 'News_page',
            'afterAjaxUpdate': function() {
                $('#News_headlines').change(function() {
                    var inputVal = $(this).val();




Here is the controller action named AjaxUpdateProductNews 这是名为AjaxUpdateProductNews的控制器操作

public function actionAjaxUpdateProductNews() {

    $dataProvider = new News();

    if (isset($_GET['News'])) {

        $dataProvider->attributes = $_GET['News'];

    $id = explode("-", $_GET["ajax"]);

    $realTime = RealTime::model()->findByPk($id[count($id) - 1]);

    $this->renderPartial('_newsView', array(

        'dataProvider' => new News(),
        'symbol' => $realTime->symbol,
        'id' => $realTime->id,
        'headlines' => $_GET['News']['headlines'],
        'publish_date' => $_GET['News']['publish_date']


and here is the view _newsView 这是视图_newsView


$this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbGridView', array(
    'id' => 'product-news-grid-'. $id,
    'itemsCssClass' => 'table table-striped',
    'htmlOptions' => array(
        'class' => 'news-datagrid',
    'dataProvider' => $dataProvider->searchProductNewsSymbol($symbol, $headlines, $publish_date), 
    'filter' => $dataProvider,
    'enableHistory' => false,
    'ajaxUpdate' => 'product-news-grid-'. $id,
    'ajaxUrl' => Yii::app()->createUrl('/realTime/AjaxUpdateProductNews'),
    'pager' => array(
        'header' => '',
        'cssFile' => false,
        'maxButtonCount' => 5,
        'selectedPageCssClass' => 'active',
        'hiddenPageCssClass' => 'disabled',
        'firstPageCssClass' => 'previous',
        'lastPageCssClass' => 'next',
        'firstPageLabel' => '<<',
        'lastPageLabel' => '>>',
        'prevPageLabel' => '<',
        'nextPageLabel' => '>',
    'summaryCssClass' => 'label label-warning',
    'columns' => array(
            'name' => 'headlines',
            'header' => 'Headlines',
            'value' => function($data) {
                return '<div class="product-news"> <a target="_blank" href="'. $data->link .'" > '. $data->headlines .'</a></div>';
            'type' => 'raw',
            'name' => 'publish_date',
            'header' => 'Date',
            'value' => function($data) {
                return '<span class="news-pub-date">'. $data->publish_date .'</span>';
            'type' => 'raw',


Now like i said the filter is showing the result, but the input box is getting cleared after it shows the result. 现在就像我说的那样,过滤器正在显示结果,但是在显示结果之后输入框将被清除。 I tried to reinsert the val in the input box using jQuery's change() handler, but it doesn't works. 我试图使用jQuery的change()处理程序在输入框中重新插入val,但是它不起作用。

Please provide any sort of advice on how to retain the search string value in the filter box. 请提供有关如何在过滤器框中保留搜索字符串值的各种建议。 Oh, btw other grids on the sites are working flawlessly, so its not a problem with missing files. 哦,网站上的其他网格正在正常运行,因此丢失文件不是问题。

Thanks in advance, Maxx 预先感谢,Maxx

Ok i've made a mistake in the renderpartial code() which caused this error. 好的,我在renderpartial code()中犯了一个错误,导致了这个错误。 Simply changing 'dataProvider' => new News() to 'dataProvider' => $dataProvider fixed the issue. 只需将'dataProvider' => new News()更改为'dataProvider' => $dataProvider解决此问题。 Hope it helps someone who is facing the same issues. 希望它能帮助面临同样问题的人。

The working controller code 工作控制器代码

public function actionAjaxUpdateProductNews() {

    $dataProvider = new News();

    if (isset($_GET['News'])) {

        $dataProvider->attributes = $_GET['News'];

    $id = explode("-", $_GET["ajax"]);

    $realTime = RealTime::model()->findByPk($id[count($id) - 1]);

    $this->renderPartial('_newsView', array(

        'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
        'symbol' => $realTime->symbol,
        'id' => $realTime->id,
        'headlines' => $_GET['News']['headlines'],
        'publish_date' => $_GET['News']['publish_date']


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