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[英]Bash - expanding variable nested in variable

Noble StackOverflow readers, Noble StackOverflow阅读器,

I have a comma seperated file, each line of which I am putting into an array. 我有一个逗号分隔的文件,我将其每一行放入一个数组中。 Data looks as so... 数据看起来像这样...


There are 103 lines and I am able to generate the 103 arrays without issue. 有103行,我能够毫无问题地生成103个数组。

n=1; while read -r OrdLine; do
    IFS=',' read -a OrdLineArr${n} <<< "$OrdLine"
    let n++
done < $WkOrdsFile

HOWEVER, I can only access the arrays as so... 但是,我只能这样访问数组...

echo "${OrdLineArr3[0]}  <---Gives 25455413

I cannot access it with the number 1-103 as a variable - for example the following doesn't work... 我无法使用数字1-103作为变量来访问它-例如,以下操作不起作用...

echo "${OrdLineArr${i}[0]}

That results in... 导致...

./script2.sh: line 24: ${OrdLineArr${i}[0]}: bad substitution

I think that the answer might involve 'eval' but I cannot seem to find a fitting example to borrow. 我认为答案可能涉及“评估”,但我似乎找不到合适的例子来借鉴。 If somebody can fix this then the above code makes for a very easy to handle 2d array replacement in bash! 如果有人可以解决这个问题,那么上面的代码将使bash中的2d数组替换变得非常容易!

Thanks so much for you help in advance! 非常感谢您的提前帮助!


You can use indirect expansion . 您可以使用间接扩展 For example, if $key is OrdLineArr4[7] , then ${!key} (with an exclamation point) means ${OrdLineArr4[7]} . 例如,如果$keyOrdLineArr4[7] ,则${!key} (带有感叹号)表示${OrdLineArr4[7]} (See §3.5.3 "Shell Parameter Expansion" in the Bash Reference Manual , though admittedly that passage doesn't really explain how indirect expansion interacts with arrays.) (请参见Bash参考手册 》中的第3.5.3节“ Shell参数扩展” ,尽管可以承认这段文字并不能真正解释间接扩展与数组的交互方式。)

I'd recommend wrapping this in a function: 我建议将其包装在一个函数中:

function OrdLineArr () {
    local -i i="$1"          # line number (1-103)
    local -i j="$2"          # field number (0-3)
    local key="OrdLineArr$i[$j]"
    echo "${!key}"

Then you can write: 然后您可以编写:

echo "$(OrdLineArr 3 0)"        # prints 25455413
echo "$(OrdLineArr $i 0)"       # prints 25455413

This obviously isn't a total replacement for two-dimensional arrays, but it will accomplish what you need. 显然,这并不是二维数组的完全替代,但是它将满足您的需要。 Without using eval . 不使用eval


eval echo "\${OrdLineArr$i[0]}"

I would store each line in an array, but split it on demand: 我将每一行存储在一个数组中,但按需拆分:

readarray OrdLineArr < $WkOrdsFile
IFS=, read -a Ord <<< "$OrdLine"

However, bash isn't really equipped for data processing; 但是, bash并没有真正用于数据处理。 it's designed to facilitate process and file management. 它旨在促进流程和文件管理。 You should consider using a different language. 您应该考虑使用其他语言。

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