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[英]Switching between two Windows forms

I am working on a game that utilizes Windows Forms in C#. 我正在开发一个使用C#中的Windows窗体的游戏。 I want to be able to use the first form to call a second form. 我希望能够使用第一种形式调用第二种形式。 I have this working. 我有这个工作。 Then I would like for the second form to send data back to the first form rather than creating a new instance of the first form. 然后,我希望第二个表单将数据发送回第一个表单,而不是创建第一个表单的新实例。 Can this be done? 能做到吗? I know I need to have my properties set up so that I can set the variables from one form to the other. 我知道我需要设置属性,以便可以将变量从一种形式设置为另一种形式。 I am just not sure how to go about calling the first form without creating a new instance of it. 我只是不确定如何在不创建第一个表单的情况下调用第一个表单。 Is there a way that this can be done? 有没有办法可以做到这一点? For example if I have Form A create an instance of Form B, can I have Form B do some work and send the data back to the original Form A without creating a new instance of Form A? 例如,如果我有表单A创建表单B的实例,我可以让表单B做一些工作并将数据发送回原始表单A而不创建表单A的新实例吗?

It's hard to say without knowing your full requirements. 不知道您的全部要求就很难说。 But generally I go like this (Somewhat psuedo code). 但是总的来说,我是这样的(有点伪代码)。

Form2 dialogForm = new Form2();
if(dialogForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
 this.PropertyOnForm1 = dialogForm.PropertyOnForm2

This ofcourse relies that your second form is a dialog. 当然,这取决于您的第二种形式是对话框。 You will need to set the dialogresult buttons on Form2, and have a public property that will be accessed from Form1 once the dialog has been completed. 您将需要在Form2上设置dialogresult按钮,并具有一个公共属性,对话框完成后将可以从Form1对其进行访问。

Let me know if this doesn't work and I'll write up a different answer. 让我知道这是否行不通,我将写一个不同的答案。

If you don't use the Data sent back Form A right away then you could use the Form_Closing event handler Form B and then a public property in Form B also. 如果不使用数据发送回Form A马上,那么你可以使用Form_Closing事件处理Form B ,然后一个公共属性在Form B也。

In your Form A it could look like this: 在您的Form A它可能看起来像这样:

public partial class FormA : Form
    FormB frmB = new FormB(); // Instantiate FormB so that you could create an event handler in the constructor
    public FormA()
        // Event Handler for Form Closing
        frmB.FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler(frmB_FormClosing);


    void frmB_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
        String fromFormB = frm2.FormBData; // Get Data from Form B when form is about to close

    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        frmB.ShowDialog(); // Showing Form B

And in your Form B it could look like this: 在您的Form B它可能看起来像这样:

  private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
       // Let just say that the data is sent back once you click a button
        FormBData = "Hello World!"; 

   public String FormBData { get; set; }

Since you are creating Form2 in Form1 , you can create a custom event in Form2 and subscribe to it in Form1 at the time that you create Form2 , if you are returning information from Form2 when you are closing it then Edper's or MindingData's answers will work. 由于您是在Form1中创建Form2的,因此您可以在Form2创建一个自定义事件并在创建Form2时在Form1中对其进行订阅,如果您在关闭Form2时从Form2返回信息,那么Edper或MindingData的答案将起作用。

Here is a quick and dirty example using EventHandler<TEventArgs> 这是一个使用EventHandler<TEventArgs>的快速而肮脏的示例

Form1 表格1

public partial class Form1 : Form
    public Form1()

    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Form2 frm2 = new Form2();
        frm2.myCustomEvent += frm2_myCustomEvent;


    void frm2_myCustomEvent(object sender, string e)
        this.Text = e;

Form2 表格2

public partial class Form2 : Form
    public event EventHandler<string> myCustomEvent;
    int count;
    public Form2()

    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        count +=1;
        myCustomEvent(sender, count.ToString());

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