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Jekyll HTML页面未呈现液体

[英]Jekyll HTML Page Not Rendering Liquid

I'm currently using jekyll to build a static site and it appears that the HTML files are not parsing liquid. 我目前正在使用jekyll来构建静态网站,并且看来HTML文件无法解析液体。

My current directory structure looks like 我当前的目录结构如下所示


index.html: index.html:

layout: page
title: home

{{ foo }}

When I visit http://host/index.html , the layout is applied as expected but the page doesn't evaluate {{ foo }} but instead prints the string {{ foo }} . 当我访问http://host/index.html ,布局将按预期应用,但页面未评估{{ foo }} ,而是打印字符串{{ foo }}

You don't show us where and how you defined foo . 您没有告诉我们您在哪里以及如何定义foo

There are several possible ways how to do that...and for each one, the syntax to display the value is slightly different: 有几种可能的方法...每种方法的显示值语法略有不同:

In _config.yml : _config.yml中

Declaration: 宣言:

foo: whatever

To display it on the page: 要将其显示在页面上:

{{ site.foo }}

In the front-matter of the same page: 在同一页面的最前面

Declaration: 宣言:

foo: whatever

To display it on the page: 要将其显示在页面上:

{{ page.foo }}

In the body of the same page (eg, not in the front-matter) : 在同一页的正文中(例如, 不在最前面)

Declaration: 宣言:

{% assign foo = 'whatever' %}

To display it on the page: 要将其显示在页面上:

{{ foo }}

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