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[英]PINAX, django-user-accounts and signup code

I am trying to use Pinax with the included django-user-accounts app. 我正在尝试将Pinax与随附的django-user-accounts应用程序配合使用。 I cannot find how I can generate a "signup code" and send it to the user, after the former fills up a form. 在前者填写表格后,我找不到如何生成“注册代码”并将其发送给用户的方法。 Is it supported by django-user-accounts or do I have to do it by myself? django-user-accounts是否支持它,还是我必须自己做?

The signup-code part of django-user-accounts originally comes from the pinax.apps.signup_codes project. django-user-accounts的注册代码部分最初来自pinax.apps.signup_codes项目。

And it seems like they missed to include the admin_invite_user view and the InviteUserForm too. 看来他们似乎错过了同时包含admin_invite_user视图和InviteUserForm

So the solution is : 所以解决方案是:

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