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[英]Angularjs two way data-binding for form data POST

Using angularjs, I am trying to populate a form dynamically and then submit the forms data via POST to a server. 使用angularjs,我试图动态填充表单,然后通过POST将表单数据提交到服务器。

I created a data variable in my controller (to POST later) 我在控制器中创建了一个数据变量(稍后发布)

$scope.data = {};

Then in my html, to create the elements in the form 然后在我的html中,以表单的形式创建元素

<div ng-repeat="(name, attributes) in fields">
    <element myVar="data.{{name}}" name="{{name}}" attributes="{{attributes}}" ></element>

Where fields looks like 字段看起来像什么


The element directive then looks like this, but is throwing errors 然后,element指令看起来像这样,但是抛出错误

demoApp.directive("element", function() {

    var template = function(name, attributes, results) {
        var templateString = "<" + attributes.tag;
        for (var attribute in attributes) {
            if (attribute != "name_displayed" && attribute != "tag" && attribute != "options") {
                templateString += " " + attribute + '="' + attributes[attribute] + '"';
        if (attributes.tag == "input") {templateString += ' value="' + results + '"';}

        templateString += ' name="' + name + '">';
        templateString += ' ng-model="myVar">';

        if (attributes.tag == "select") {
            for (var i=0; i<attributes.options.length; i++) {
                templateString += "<option value=" + attributes.options[i] + ((attributes.options[i] == results)? " selected" : "") + ">" + attributes.options[i] + "</option>";
        if (attributes.tag == "textarea") {
            templateString += results;

        templateString += "</" + attributes.tag + ">";
        var toReturn = attributes.name_displayed + ": " + templateString;
        return toReturn;

    return {
        restrict: "E",
        scope: {
            myVar: '='
        link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
            var attributes = angular.fromJson(attrs.attributes);
            var tpl = template(attrs.name, attributes, attrs.results);

Without the myVar attribute and scope object in the directive, this works fine (to display the form). 指令中没有myVar属性和scope对象,则可以正常工作(显示表单)。 Am I missing something about the two-way data binding here? 我是否在这里缺少有关双向数据绑定的信息? Or is there a better way to do this? 还是有更好的方法来做到这一点? - Thanks - 谢谢

It seems strange that you append HTML without compilation. 您在未编译的情况下附加HTML似乎很奇怪。 I would change the link first of all: 我首先要更改link

link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
        var attributes = angular.fromJson(attrs.attributes);
        var tpl = template(attrs.name, attributes, attrs.results);
        var tpl_compiled = angular.element($compile( tpl )(scope));

By this way we tell to angular to do a digest cycle over new appended data. 通过这种方式,我们告诉angular对新的附加数据进行摘要循环。 Maybe this a reason why with isolate scope the myVar didn't fired. 也许这就是为什么myVar没有被隔离的原因。

Hope it will help, 希望能有所帮助,

In your html myVar needs to be formatted like my-var. 在您的html中,myVar需要像my-var一样格式化。 Do you really need an isolated scope on this directive? 您是否真的需要此指令的隔离范围? Look at this plunker and add in Maxim Shoustin example. 看一下这个插件,并添加Maxim Shoustin示例。

Plunker 柱塞

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