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[英]Binding to properties in both the ViewModel and CodeBehind

I have what I'm sure is a ridiculously ignorant question, but I'm asking it anyways because I've searched and searched and either don't understand the solutions I'm seeing or not finding exactly the answer I seek. 我敢肯定,这是一个荒谬可笑的问题,但是无论如何我都在问,因为我已经搜索了很多东西,或者不理解我所看到的解决方案,或者找不到我想要的答案。

I have an MVVM application. 我有一个MVVM应用程序。 My XAML is setup with the DataContext set to the VM where the data items on the screen are populated from the VM's properties. 我的XAML是在DataContext设置为VM的情况下设置的,其中从VM的属性填充屏幕上的数据项。 My CodeBehind doesn't fiddle with the data, only things relating to the screen. 我的CodeBehind不会摆弄数据,只会摆弄与屏幕有关的东西。

What I want to do now is bind certain UI elements to properties in the foo.xaml.cs (CodeBehind) file. 我现在想做的是将某些UI元素绑定到foo.xaml.cs(CodeBehind)文件中的属性。 For example, I want to specify FontSize's bound to properties in the CB so that in the WindowInitialized handler in the CB, it can detect screen sizes and change one variable to which all the screen items' FontSize= are bound. 例如,我想指定FontSize绑定到CB中的属性,以便在CB的WindowInitialized处理程序中,它可以检测屏幕大小并更改将所有屏幕项目的FontSize =绑定到的一个变量。

I can solve this the wrong way by creating a public property in my VM and then "inject" the value from the CB into the VM. 我可以通过在VM中创建一个公共属性,然后将CB中的值“注入”到VM中的方式来解决此错误。 I know that will work, but it's a roundabout way to get the behavior I want, it's not at all straightforward, and I feel confident it's the wrong way to proceed. 我知道这是可行的,但这是获得我想要的行为的一种round回方式,这一点也不简单,而且我确信这是错误的处理方式。

I searched around and have tried things like: 我四处搜寻,并尝试了以下操作:

    FontSize="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self},Path="MyFontSize"

(where "MyFontSize" is a public int property) and a variety of other examples I found, but none have worked. (其中“ MyFontSize”是一个公共int属性)和我发现的各种其他示例,但没有一个起作用。

So specifically, if my CodeBehind class is called NameChangeSetupMainWindow and that's where the "MyFontSize" property lives, 因此,具体来说,如果我的CodeBehind类称为NameChangeSetupMainWindow,并且这就是“ MyFontSize”属性所在的位置,

public partial class NameChangeSetupMainWindow : Window
    private int m_fontSize = 14;
    public int MyFontSize
        get { return m_fontSize; }
            if (m_fontSize != value))
                m_fontSize = (value > 0) ? value : 10;
    ... rest of the class...

and the VM is called NameChangeSetupViewModel and that's where the "real" data lives and the DataContext points ala: VM被称为NameChangeSetupViewModel ,这就是“真实”数据所在的位置,并且DataContext指向ala:


what is the syntax in XAML to bind just those UI items (tooltips related to the UI, font sizes, etc) to variables in the CodeBehind instead of housing them in the VM? XAML中仅将那些UI项(与UI相关的工具提示,字体大小等)绑定到CodeBehind中的变量而不是将其容纳在VM中的语法是什么?

Thanks in advance for any guidance you can supply. 在此先感谢您提供的任何指导。

You can use RelativeSource AncestorType to bind to properties of the view itself: 您可以使用RelativeSource AncestorType绑定到视图本身的属性:

<TextBlock FontSize="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=Window},Path=MyFontSize}" />

Using ElementName should work as well: 使用ElementName应该也可以工作:

<Window x:Name="window">

    <TextBlock FontSize="{Binding ElementName=window,Path=MyFontSize}" />

Edit 编辑

Here is an example that I've confirmed working: 这是我已经确认可以正常工作的示例:


<Window x:Class="WpfAbc.MainWindow"
    Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525"
    ToolTip="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self},Path=MyToolTip}"
        <TextBlock Text="hello world" FontSize="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=Window},Path=MyFontSize}" />

Code Behind 背后的代码

public partial class MainWindow : Window
    private int m_fontSize = 20;
    public int MyFontSize
        get { return m_fontSize; }
            if (m_fontSize != value)
                m_fontSize = (value > 0) ? value : 10;

    public string MyToolTip
        get { return "hello world"; }

    public MainWindow()

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