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插入语句与外键约束冲突? 为什么这是我的问题?

[英]insert statement conflicted with the foreign key constraint? Why is this an issue in my case?

I know this gets asked a lot, but in my case, I feel like it shouldn't be an issue. 我知道这个问题经常被问到,但就我而言,我觉得这不应该成为问题。 My table has 2 foreign keys that allow for nulls, so I should be able to leave them blank, right? 我的表有2个允许为null的外键,所以我应该可以将它们留空,对吗?

My insert statement: 我的插入语句:

INSERT INTO Child (ChildID, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Gender, DOB)
VALUES (@ChildID, @FirstName, @MiddleName, @LastName, @Gender, @DOB)

I was hoping it would just leave the final 2 columns blank, for them to be filled out later, but all it does is give me an error. 我希望它将最后两列留为空白,以便稍后填写,但是这样做只是给我一个错误。

The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK__Child__ChildGuar__2B3F6F97". The conflict occurred in database "ChildCare", table "dbo.ChildGuardian", column 'ChildGuardianID'.

I can re-work the database a little, if necessary. 如有必要,我可以稍微修改数据库。

Have you tried passing in NULL for those values? 您是否尝试过为这些值传递NULL You shouldn't have to pass anything, but it may help with troubleshooting. 您无需传递任何内容,但可能有助于解决问题。

I'd also check that Child.ChildGuardianID isn't an identity, and that it doesn't have a default value. 我还将检查Child.ChildGuardianID不是身份,并且它没有默认值。

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