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[英]PrestaShop- Cannot get any carriers to appear during checkout

I am using PrestaShop 我正在使用PrestaShop。 I cannot get a carrier to appear for order placement ("No carrier has been made available for this selection"). 我无法让承运人出现在下订单中(“没有为该选择提供承运人”)。 I would be really grateful if someone can tell me what is wrong. 如果有人可以告诉我哪里出了问题,我将非常感谢。

I have now spent almost 10 hours checking every menu for anything that seems even remotely like it could prevent the carrier from being available. 我现在已经花了将近10个小时来检查每个菜单上是否有任何遥不可及的东西,因为这似乎会使承运人无法使用。

Under Shipping->Carriers there is a carrier that came with the installation named "First Class Mail" which is enabled. 在“运送”->“承运人”下,安装了名为“头等邮件”的安装附带的承运人。 Under Shipping->Shipping I selected "First Class Mail" as the default carrier. 在“运输”->“运输”下,我选择“第一类邮件”作为默认承运人。

The country that was specified in the shipping address is enabled via Localization->Countries and the zone for the specified country is enabled in Localization->Zones. 通过“本地化”->“国家/地区”启用了在收货地址中指定的国家/地区,并在“本地化->区域”中启用了指定国家/地区的区域。 Localization->States has all stated enabled (the address is in the United States). Localization-> States已全部启用(地址在美国)。

The product dimensions & weight are configured for the product being ordered and are within the ranges configured for "First Class Mail" carrier. 产品尺寸和重量是针对要订购的产品配置的,并且在为“头等邮件”承运人配置的范围内。 Group access is checked for all groups (visitor, guest, customer) for this carrier. 检查该运营商的所有组(访客,访客,客户)的组访问权限。 The zone for the destination address is checked in "Shipping Locations and Costs" for the carrier for the single range that is configured (0 to 1000 lb). 在“发货地点和费用”中检查了目的地的区域,该字段是针对已配置的单个范围(0到1000磅)的承运人。

When adding a new product or editing an existing product, under Shipping, there is a drop-down list of carriers containing ALL the carriers listed under Shipping->Carriers, both enabled and disabled. 添加新产品或编辑现有产品时,在“运输”下有一个运输商下拉列表,其中包含“运输”->“运输商”下列出的所有已启用和禁用的运输商。 There is also a button that says "Unselect All". 还有一个显示“取消全选”的按钮。 There is no apparent indication whether a carrier is selected or not in the drop-down, so I don't know if any of them are selected. 在下拉菜单中没有明显的迹象表明是否选择了运营商,因此我不知道是否选择了任何一家。 Clicking "Unselect All" does not seem to do anything and there is NO method to select a carrier (only "Unselect"). 单击“全部取消选择”似乎没有任何作用,并且没有选择载体的方法(仅“取消选择”)。 In case "Unselect All" did indeed remove all carriers for the product (with no feedback or indication that this was done), I created another product where I did not click "Unselect all". 如果“全部取消选择”确实删除了该产品的所有载体(没有反馈或表明已完成),则我创建了另一个产品,但没有单击“全部取消选择”。

The only shipping-related module I have enabled is "Shipping Estimate" and there does not appear to be anything in its configuration that enables/disables carriers. 我启用的唯一与运输相关的模块是“运费估算”,并且在其配置中似乎没有任何东西可以启用/禁用承运商。

After much probing, I can answer my own question. 经过多番探索,我可以回答我自己的问题。 I hope this helps others with the same problem. 我希望这对其他遇到相同问题的人有所帮助。

Quick answer: A single carrier was selected in the specific product's Shipping configuration. 快速解答:在特定产品的“运输”配置中选择了一个运输公司。 The selected carrier was disabled. 所选运营商已禁用。 When I checked the Shipping configuration there did not appear to be anything selected because the selected item was at the end of the list and was scrolled out of view. 当我检查“发运”配置时,似乎没有选择任何内容,因为所选项目位于列表的末尾,并已滚动到视图之外。 If any carriers are selected here (ie, for the specific product), then only those carriers are available for the product. 如果在此选择了任何载体(即,针对特定产品),则只有那些载体可用于该产品。 If all the selected carriers are disabled (as was my situation-- one carrier, selected but disabled), then the cart will report no carrier available. 如果所有选定的承运人都被禁用(按照我的情况-一个承运人,已选择但已禁用),那么购物车将报告没有可用的承运人。

Long answer: 长答案:

I already had a suspicion that the problem was with the carriers linked to the specific product. 我已经怀疑问题出在与特定产品相关的运营商。

The user interface for selecting product-specific carriers uses a multi-selection drop-down list to show which carriers are selected. 用于选择特定于产品的运营商的用户界面使用多选下拉列表显示选择了哪些运营商。 You can select from both active and disabled carriers (all carriers are in the list and the carrier's active status is not shown). 您可以从活动和禁用的运营商中进行选择(所有运营商都在列表中,并且未显示运营商的活动状态)。 If nothing is selected then all active carriers are available for this product. 如果未选择任何内容,则该产品的所有活动载体均可用。

I thought the list was informational (as are many list boxes)-- ie, showing the carriers currently configured for the product (not a list to select from). 我认为列表是信息性的(与许多列表框一样),即显示当前为产品配置的运营商(而不是可供选择的列表)。 I expected "Unselect all" to clear the contents of the listbox and was confused when it didn't. 我期望“全部取消选择”清除列表框的内容,如果没有,则会感到困惑。 As I noted in my question, I didn't see how to add carriers back to the list. 正如我在问题中指出的那样,我没有看到如何将运营商添加回列表中。 It seems obvious in retrospect, but I did not realize you select an item (or items) just by clicking on them, or shift-click for multiple items, then pressing Save. 回顾起来似乎很明显,但是我没有意识到您只是通过单击一个项目或多个项目,或者按住Shift键单击多个项目,然后按保存来选择一个或多个项目。 I probably clicked the listbox and moved using the up/down arrow keys thinking I was just looking at the list of already-selected carriers, not actually selecting one. 我可能单击了列表框,然后使用向上/向下箭头键移动,以为我只是在查看已选择的运营商列表,而不是实际选择一个。 I of course left the last item highlighted and pressed "save" because I had updated the package dimensions, and the last carrier was selected. 我当然将最后一个项目突出显示并按“保存”,因为我已经更新了包装尺寸,并且选择了最后一个托盘。

When I later reviewed at the product configuration, the single selected carrier was at the bottom of the list and not visible when viewing the page. 当我稍后查看产品配置时,单个选定的运营商位于列表的底部,并且在查看页面时不可见。 So I never realized I had a carrier selected (I still thought all carriers were available since they were all in the list). 因此,我从未意识到自己选择了一家运营商(我仍然认为所有运营商都可用,因为它们都在列表中)。

A better UI would have been one of those "double" lists (I don't know the technical term for them), where items in one list (left side) are available but not selected and items in the other list (right side) are selected. 更好的用户界面应该是这些“双重”列表之一(我不知道它们的技术术语),其中一个列表(左侧)中的项目可用但未选中,而另一个列表(右侧)中的项目被选中。 You highlight items in one list and use buttons ("Add", "Remove" arrows) to move the selected items to the other list. 您突出显示一个列表中的项目,然后使用按钮(“添加”,“删除”箭头)将所选项目移动到另一列表中。 This way you can clearly see what is selected, and what is available but not selected. 这样,您可以清楚地看到已选择的内容以及可用但未选择的内容。 Showing the carrier's active status would be a bonus. 显示承运人的活跃状态将是一个奖励。

The solution is found on this page check it out . 解决方案可在此页面上找到并检出

step 1: In PrestaShop admin panel and go to the Localization -> Countries menu . 步骤1:在PrestaShop管理面板中,然后转到本地化->国家菜单 Find the country in the list and click the “cross” sign next to it to enable it. 在列表中找到国家,然后单击其旁边的“十字”符号将其启用。 example : NIGERIA. 例如:尼日利亚。

step 2: . 步骤2 : In your PrestaShop admin panel go to the Localization-> Zones menu. 在PrestaShop管理面板中,转到“ 本地化”->“区域”菜单。 Enable the Zones you want to sell your products to by clicking on them under the Enabled column. 通过单击“启用”列下的区域,启用要销售产品的区域。 Example: AFRICA (because Nigeria is a country in Africa) 示例:非洲(因为尼日利亚是非洲的一个国家)

Step 3: Now you need to configure the carriers section. 步骤3:现在,您需要配置运营商部分。 Go to the Shipping -> Carriers menu. 转到“ 运送->运送者”菜单。 Select the carrier that you want to edit or create new one. 选择您要编辑或创建新的载体。

Step 4: Click on Shipping locations and costs and check the correct zones you want to send products related to the carrier selected before. 步骤4:点击“ 运送 地点 和费用”,然后检查您要发送与之前选择的承运人相关的产品的正确区域。 For example, if under Localization -> Countries you enabled an African country(Nigeria), then select "Africa" in the zones section. 例如,如果在“ 本地化->国家/地区”下启用了非洲国家/地区(尼日利亚),则在“区域”部分中选择“非洲”。 Click Finish. 单击完成。

Now your customers can select the correct shipping method in their order. 现在,您的客户可以在他们的订单中选择正确的运输方式。

That's all. 就这样。

For a carrier to be available for a purchase, following conditions must be meet: 要使运输商可以购买商品,必须满足以下条件:

  1. Carrier is enabled , and users in the customer's group can access it . 运营商已启用客户组中的用户可以访问它
  2. Package size / cost AND delivery zone matches a carrier price range (or 'use highest') 包装尺寸/成本和交货区域与承运人价格范围相匹配(或“最高使用”)
  3. Package size and weight are within carrier package limit . 包装尺寸和重量均在运输包装内。
  4. If any product has selected any carrier , the selection must include the carrier. 如果任何产品选择了任何载体 ,则所选内容必须包括载体。
  5. If any product is using advanced stock management , the carrier must be enabled for its warehouse. 如果任何产品正在使用高级库存管理 ,则必须启用承运人的仓库。

Hope this list will serve as a helpful checklist for others. 希望此列表可以作为其他人的有用清单。 The warehouse carrier selection costed me half an hour. 选择仓库承运人花了我半个小时。

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