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将Unicode字符串转换为ascii字符串,然后将其与ascii字符串进行比较始终返回false。 (Python 2.7.6)

[英]Converting Unicode string to ascii string, then comparing it to an ascii string always returns false. (Python 2.7.6)

This seems like a simple question, but I can't find an answer anywhere. 这似乎是一个简单的问题,但我在任何地方都找不到答案。

I have a function that gets a Unicode string as an argument, and looks like this: 我有一个将Unicode字符串作为参数的函数,如下所示:

def foo(arg):
    if str(arg) is 'wxyz':
        print 'it is equal'

Given the input u'wxyz', the function doesn't print anything. 给定输入u'wxyz',该函数不会打印任何内容。 I did some more testing and I have come up with a question. 我做了一些测试,然后提出了一个问题。

Why does this not work: 为什么这不起作用:

>>> u = unicode('wxyz')
>>> str(u) is 'wxyz'

But this does work: 但这确实有效:

>>> str(u) == 'wxyz'

Here's what I have tried already: 这是我已经尝试过的方法:

>>> u = unicode('wxyz')
>>> s = str(u)
>>> a = u.encode('ascii')
>>> type(u)
<type 'unicode'>
>>> type(s)
<type 'str'>
>>> type(a)
<type 'str'>
>>> type('wxyz')
<type 'str'>
>>> u is 'wxyz'
False             # Should be False
>>> u == 'wxyz'
False             # Should be False
>>> s is 'wxyz'
False             # Should be True
>>> s == 'wxyz'
True              # Should be True
>>> a is 'wxyz'
False             # Should be True
>>> a == 'wxyz'
True              # Should be True
>>> u is u'wxyz'
False             # Should be True
>>> u == u'wxyz'
True              # Should be True

I guess that I could change the 'is' to a '==', but I've been using 'is' everywhere else in the code, and it doesn't seem very Python-esque to switch to using '=='. 我想我可以将'is'更改为'==',但是我一直在代码中的其他所有地方使用'is',并且切换到使用'=='似乎不太像Python 。 If someone could help me understand this, I would be very appreciative. 如果有人可以帮助我理解这一点,我将不胜感激。 Also, if you need me to be more specific, please ask. 另外,如果您需要我提供更多具体信息,请询问。

I seriously apologize if this has been asked anywhere else. 如有其他要求,我深表歉意。 I read the Python documentation on Unicode and looked for similar questions here, but I couldn't find anything that answered my question. 我阅读了有关Unicode的Python文档,并在此处查找了类似的问题,但找不到任何能回答我问题的内容。

The operator a is b returns True if a and b are bound to the same object . 如果a和b 绑定到同一对象,a is b的运算符返回True。 So is is the wrong operator to be using here. 所以, is要在这里使用了错误的操作。 That probably means you need to fix most places you've used is in your code. 这可能意味着你需要解决您最常用的地方is在你的代码。

a = []
b = a
a is b # true
a == b # true

a = []
b = []
a is b # false
a == b # true

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