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[英]Removing specific words from word cloud in R

I have made a word cloud in R for 2 songs. 我在R中造了2首歌的词云。 Now in the tdm when I display the items, i get the frequency of words for song 1 and song 2. I am also able to print the word cloud perfectly. 现在在tdm中显示项目时,我得到了歌曲1和歌曲2的词频。我也能够完美地打印词云。 My problem is i do not want words in tdm who frequency is less than 2. How can I do that. 我的问题是我不希望tdm中的频率小于2的单词。我该怎么做。

I wrote the code and got this output: 我编写了代码,并得到以下输出:


> tdm=as.matrix(tdm)
> tdm

song 1  song 2
act                   0  2
action                0  2
actions               0  1
activity              5  4

I only want word activity as it occur more than once in both the songs. 我只希望单词活动,因为在两首歌曲中单词活动都多次出现。 I mean I want to remove the words, act, action, actions. 我的意思是我想删除词语,行动,行动,行动。 How can I do that ? 我怎样才能做到这一点 ?

You didn't provide data some something like this should work: 您没有提供类似这样的数据:

tdm <- TermDocumentMatrix(crude)

x <- as.matrix(tdm)[, 1:2]
x[rowSums(apply(x, 2, ">", 1)) == 2, ]

Explanation: The line x <- as.matrix(tdm)[, 1:2] just getting 2 columns like your data so it doesn't do anything but needed to make data that looked like yours since you didn't provide any. 说明: x <- as.matrix(tdm)[, 1:2]仅获得2列类似您的数据的数据,因此它什么也没做,只是需要制作看起来像您的数据,因为您没有提供任何数据。 This line apply(x, 2, ">", 1) says give me logical values for the statement is this greater than 1. Then I wrap this with rowSums (logical values are TRUE=1 and FALSE=0). 这行apply(x, 2, ">", 1)说给我该语句的逻辑值大于1。然后用rowSums包装(逻辑值为TRUE = 1和FALSE = 0)。 Values equal to 2 (I had > 1 before but this is sloppy) are the conditions you're looking for. 等于2的值(我之前> 1 ,但这很草率)是您要寻找的条件。 The I use a logical index with this output x[GRAB_THE_ROWS, ] . 我将逻辑索引与此输出x[GRAB_THE_ROWS, ] You can tear each step apart and run the code for yourself as seen below: 您可以拆开每一步并自己运行代码,如下所示:

(step_1 <- apply(x, 2, ">", 1))
(step_2 <- rowSums(step_1))
(step_3 <- step_2 == 2)
x[step_3, ]

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