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[英]Bash string regex replace with “.*”

for a string 对于一个字符串


use regex replace (it works) 使用正则表达式替换(有效)

echo ${s//_some/}

use regex replace with .* (it NOT works) 使用正则表达式替换为.* (不起作用)

echo ${s//^.*_some/}

I want the result to be def 我希望结果是def

how I write it with bash internally (not sed/awk) ? 我如何在内部用bash编写它(而不是sed / awk)? maybe some escape char ? 也许一些逃逸字符?

Use this: 用这个:

echo ${s//*_some/}

Your version didn't match since it was trying to match a dot literally. 您的版本不匹配,因为它试图按字面意义匹配点。


Chepner has correctly explained below that * here is not part of a regex at all. Chepner在下面正确地解释了*这里根本不是正则表达式的一部分。 It is simply being used as a globbing character. 它只是被用作通配符。

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