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Toad for MySQL上的MySQL样式选项卡

[英]MySQL style tabs on Toad for MySQL

Recently I switched from MySQL Workbench to Toad for MySQL and is beginning to like its powerful features. 最近,我从MySQL Workbench切换到MySQL的Toad,并开始喜欢它的强大功能。 One thing I do miss is the was MySQL manage connections. 我想念的一件事是MySQL管理连接。 Every DB Connection in MySQL workbench is a Tab window and then each editor specific to the connection are sub-tabs within the connection tab. MySQL工作台中的每个数据库连接都是一个选项卡窗口,然后每个特定于该连接的编辑器都是连接选项卡中的子选项卡。 You know what I'm saying if you have used MySQL Workbench. 您知道我在说什么,如果您使用过MySQL Workbench。

But on Toad for MySQL, every connection and each editor are tabs on same level. 但是在Toad for MySQL上,每个连接和每个编辑器都是同一级别的选项卡。 It gets messy when you have a lot of connections open. 当您打开许多连接时,它会变得混乱。 Is there a way to get the MySQL workbench style layout of connections and editor tabs on Toad? 有没有办法在Toad上获得连接和编辑器选项卡的MySQL工作台样式布局? I don't think I'm the first one to feel this way. 我认为我不是第一个有这种感觉的人。

Thanks! 谢谢!

I don't believe you can, but you can hide document tabs for other connections. 我不相信您可以,但是您可以隐藏其他连接的文档选项卡。 That would clean up the view. 这样可以清理视图。

Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Interface -> Show document tabs for the current connection only. 工具->选项->环境->界面->仅显示当前连接的文档选项卡。

From that same location, you can also choose to display the tabs vertically which helps when you have many documents open. 在同一位置,您还可以选择垂直显示选项卡,这在打开许多文档时很有用。

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