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[英]Count words in a String that is NOT in a string array without using split method

I need to count the words in a String. 我需要计算字符串中的单词。 For many of you that seems pretty simple but from what I've read in similar questions people are saying to use arrays but I'd rather not. 对于你们中的许多人来说,这看起来非常简单,但从我在类似问题中读到的人们所说的使用数组但我宁愿不这样做。 It complicates my program more than it helps as my string is coming from an input file and the program cannot be hardwired to a specific file. 由于我的字符串来自输入文件并且程序无法硬连线到特定文件,因此它使我的程序复杂化。

I have this so far: 到目前为止我有这个:

        String sentences = input.nextLine();
       int countWords;
       char c = " ";
       for (countWords = 0; countWords < sentences.length(); countWords++)
            if (input.hasNext(c))


The problem is that what I have here ends up counting the amount of characters in the string. 问题是我在这里得到的结果是计算字符串中的字符数量。 I thought it would count char c as a delimiter. 我以为它会把char c算作分隔符。 I've also tried using String c instead with input.hasNext but the compiler tells me: 我也尝试使用String c而不是input.hasNext,但编译器告诉我:

Program04.java:39: incompatible types
found   : java.lang.String[]
required: java.lang.String
       String token = sentences.split(delim);

I've since deleted the .split method from the program. 我已经从程序中删除了.split方法。 How do I delimit (is that the right word?) without using a String array with a scanned in file? 如何在不使用带有扫描文件的String数组的情况下划分(是正确的单词?)?

Don't use the Scanner ( input ) for more than one thing. 不要将扫描仪( input )用于多个操作。 You're using it to read lines from a file, and also trying to use it to count words in those lines. 您正在使用它来读取文件中的行,并尝试使用它来计算这些行中的单词。 Use a second Scanner to process the line itself, or use a different method. 使用第二个扫描仪来处理线本身,或使用其他方法。

The problem is that the scanner consumes its buffer as it reads it. 问题是扫描程序在读取时会消耗其缓冲区。 input.nextLine() returns sentences , but after that it no longer has them. input.nextLine()返回sentences ,但之后就不再有了。 Calling input.hasNext() on it gives you information about the characters after sentences . 在其上调用input.hasNext()有关sentences 后面字符的信息。

The simplest way to count the words in sentences is to do: 计算sentences单词的最简单方法是:

int wordCount = sentences.split(" ").length;

Using Scanner, you can do: 使用扫描仪,您可以:

Scanner scanner = new Scanner(sentences);

Or use a for loop for best performance (as mentioned by BlackPanther). 或者使用for循环以获得最佳性能(如BlackPanther所述)。

Another tip I'd give you is how to better name your variables. 我给你的另一个提示是如何更好地命名你的变量。 countWords should be wordCount . countWords应该是wordCount "Count words" is a command, a verb, while a variable should be a noun. “计数单词”是一个命令,一个动词,而一个变量应该是一个名词。 sentences should simply be line , unless you know both that the line is composed of sentences and that this fact is relevant to the rest of your code. sentences应该简单地line ,除非你知道两者的线由句子,而这其实是有关您的代码的其余部分。

Maybe, this is what you are looking for. 也许,这就是你要找的东西。

   String sentences = input.nextLine();
   System.out.println ("count : " + line.split (" ").length);


what you are trying to achieve is not quite clear. 你想要达到的目标还不是很清楚。 but if you are trying to count the number of words in your text file then try this 但如果您要计算文本文件中的单词数,请尝试此操作

int countWords = 0;

   String sentences = input.nextLine();
   for(int i = 0; i< sentences.length()-1;i++ ) {
       if(sentences.charAt(i) ==  " ") {

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