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具有AllowsTransparency =“ False”的WPF自定义窗口

[英]WPF custom window with AllowsTransparency=“False”

How i can create window without borders, but reszable and window property AllowsTransparency must be set to false, because i am using winforms control that does not allow this. 我如何创建无边界的窗口,但必须将reszable和窗口属性AllowsTransparency设置为false,因为我正在使用不允许这样做的winforms控件。 Maybe there are already some lib for custom windows (but they must have AllowsTransparency setted to false)? 也许自定义窗口已经有一些库(但是它们必须将AllowsTransparency设置为false)?

Actually its setting WindowsStyle="None" that removes the borders. 实际上,它的设置WindowsStyle="None"会删除边框。

If you are drawing a transparent window then you have to set WindowStyle="None" whenever you set AllowsTransparency="True" , but its isn't true the other way round. 如果要绘制透明窗口,则每次设置AllowsTransparency="True"时都必须设置WindowStyle="None" AllowsTransparency="True" ,但AllowsTransparency="True"则不正确。

I guess this would help you. 我想这对您有帮助。

WPF-Custom-Chrome-Library WPF自定义Chrome库

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