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Internet Explorer 8,9,10 javascript无法正确加载

[英]Internet Explorer 8, 9, 10 javascript not loading correctly

I currently have a working 'dealer locator' on my test page which can be found on the right-hand side of the page 我目前在我的测试页面上有一个工作的“经销商定位器”,可以在页面的右侧找到

http://www.khl.com/dev/american-cranes-and-transport/ http://www.khl.com/dev/american-cranes-and-transport/

It's working fine apart from in dreaded IE, although IE11 seems to work. 尽管IE11似乎有效,但除了可怕的IE之外,它的工作正常。

When you view the page in IE you get a palceholder image which looks horrible, this occurs because the JS looks something like this: 当您在IE中查看页面时,您会看到一个看起来很糟糕的掌上电脑图像,这是因为JS看起来像这样:

<div class="storeNews">

<img src="http://www.khl.com/other_files/khl/dealer-locatot.png"   border="0">

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> 

ImgPreloadAry=new Array('placeholder.jpg','link3.png','sany3.png','manitex3.png','manitowoc3.png'); 
SRCAry=new Array(); 

for (i=0;i<ImgPreloadAry.length;i++){ 
 SRCAry[i]=new Image(); 

function Cng(sel){ 

var ImgPath='http://www.khl.com/other_files/khl/locate/';
var linksArray = [
  { Img: 'placeholder.jpg', Link : '#', RelatedText :'TEST LINK'},
  { Img: 'link3.png', Link : 'http://www.linkbelt.com/', RelatedText :'Link-belt description and link'},
  {Img:'sany3.png', Link : 'http://www.sanygroup.com/', RelatedText :'Sanny description and link'},
  {Img:'manitex3.png', Link : 'http://www.khl.com/servlet/file/Manitex%20dealer%20ad.pdf?ITEM_ENT_ID=90292&amp;COLLSPEC_ENT_ID=38&amp;ITEM_VERSION=1&amp;download=1',RelatedText : 'Manitex Locator can be downloaded below.'},
  {Img:'manitowoc3.png', Link : 'http://www.manitowoc.com/',RelatedText : 'Manitowoc description and link'},

function Cng(sel){ 
   var selectedIndex = sel.selectedIndex;
   document.getElementById('companyLink').href = linksArray[selectedIndex].Link;
   document.getElementById('relatedText').innerHTML= linksArray[selectedIndex].RelatedText;
   document.getElementById('relatedImage').src = ImgPath + linksArray[selectedIndex].Img;


Effectively ImgPath=' http://www.khl.com/other_files/khl/locate/ and for some reason IE thinks that this is also an image (not a path). 有效地ImgPath =' http: //www.khl.com/other_files/khl/locate/由于某种原因,IE认为这也是一个图像(不是路径)。

Are there any bright sparks out there who can help me out? 有什么明亮的火花可以帮助我吗?

Kind Regards, Sam 亲切的问候,山姆

Classic trailling comma bug. 经典trailling逗号bug。

.....towoc description and link'},
                   this comma is invalid and will break your JS in IE.

If you run your JS code through a validator like JSHint, you'll be warned about issues like this. 如果你通过像JSHint这样的验证器运行你的JS代码,你会被警告这样的问题。 And they're also very easy to spot if you use a decent IDE to edit the code, as you'll get syntax highlighting and warnings from that too. 如果你使用一个不错的IDE来编辑代码,它们也很容易被发现,因为你也会从中获得语法高亮和警告。

In addition, you've declared function Cng() twice, which is obviously wrong. 另外,你已经声明了function Cng()两次,这显然是错误的。

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