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[英]How to add a html button with angularjs with a working ng-click function

I am working on a game made with angularjs. 我正在研究用angularjs制作的游戏。 I have one problem that I haven't been able to solve yet. 我有一个问题,我还没有解决。 I would like to use a popup dialog ( no alert ) whose content depends on the context. 我想使用一个弹出对话框(无警报),其内容取决于上下文。 This popup contains a button, that when clicked starts the game. 此弹出窗口包含一个按钮,单击该按钮即可启动游戏。

Since the content is dynamic the ng-click function does not work. 由于内容是动态的,因此ng-click功能不起作用。

I've tried with directives and straight from the controller but have not gotten it to work. 我已尝试使用指令直接从控制器,但没有得到它的工作。

My concrete question is how do I add HTML Button to a with angularjs that contains a ng-click function that will actually fire? 我的具体问题是如何将HTML按钮添加到包含实际触发的ng-click功能的angularjs?

Edit: here one attempt (that actually gets the button to show, but ng-click does nothing): Controller: 编辑:这里有一次尝试(实际上是按钮显示,但是ng-click什么也没做):控制器:

       if ($scope.quiz.state === 'finished' || $scope.quiz.state === 'initialized') {
           var startButton = '<br><br><button data-ng-click="startQuiz">start quiz</button>';
           $scope.popupText = $sce.trustAsHtml('Stating ' + quiz.name + startButton);
           $scope.showStart = false;
           $scope.showPopup = true;
    $scope.startQuiz = function() {
        $scope.showPopup = false;
        if ($scope.quiz.state === 'initialized') {
             $scope.quizTimer.start($scope, $timeout);

Html: HTML:

<div id="popupBox">
    <div id="closePopup" data-ng-click="closePopup()">X</div>
    <div data-ng-bind-html="popupText"></div>

Using the help from the other answers I got it to work by doing the following (this is probably not the best way, but it works. Please comment if there is someway to improve this.): 使用其他答案的帮助,我通过执行以下操作使其工作(这可能不是最好的方法,但它确实有效。请评论是否有某种方法可以改善这一点。):

Controller: 控制器:

    $scope.compiledStartPopupText = $compile(angular.element('<br><br><button data-ng-click="startQuiz()">start quiz</button>'))($scope);
    $scope.popupText = 'Starting ' + $scope.quiz.name;
    $scope.getCompiledStartPopupText = function() {
        return $scope.compiledStartPopupText;
    $scope.openStartQuizPopup = function()
        if ($scope.quiz.state === 'finished' || $scope.quiz.state === 'initialized') {
            if($scope.quiz.state === 'finished') {
            $scope.showPopup = true;
    $scope.closePopup = function() {
        $scope.showPopup = false;
        if($scope.quiz.state !== 'started') {
            $scope.showStart = true;
    $scope.startQuiz = function() {
        $scope.showStart = false;
        $scope.showPopup = false;
        if ($scope.quiz.state === 'initialized') {
            $scope.quizTimer.start($scope, $timeout);
        } else if ($scope.quiz.state === 'finished') {
            $scope.quizTimer.restart($scope, $timeout);
    $scope.endGame = function()
        $scope.quiz.state = 'finished';
        $scope.showPopup = true;
        $scope.showStart = true;

Directive: 指示:

    directive('popUp', function() {
        return {
            restrict: 'A',
            link: function($scope, elm, attrs) {
                $scope.$watch('quiz.state', function(value){
                    if(value === 'finished') {
                    } else {
                        var compiledStartButton = $scope.getCompiledStartPopupText();


    <div id="popup" ng-show="showPopup">
        <div id="popupBox">
            <div id="closePopup" data-ng-click="closePopup()">X</div>
            <div data-pop-up class="cta"></div>

If you are trying to call closePopup() , let's say your app is initialized at the top of the html and you have a ng-controller="MsgCtrl" as well, within the controller have your code 如果你试图调用closePopup() ,假设您的应用程序在html顶部初始化,并且你有一个ng-controller="MsgCtrl" ,在控制器中有你的代码

<div id="popupBox">
    <div id="closePopup" data-ng-click="closePopup()">X</div>
    <div data-ng-bind-html="popupText"></div>

and then in the script of your app, write something like this 然后在你的应用程序的脚本中,写下这样的东西

function MsgCtrl($scope) {
    $scope.closePopup = function () {
        console.log("function called");

Look at this for a similar example and experiment with it. 看看这个类似的例子,然后用它进行实验。

By using the $compile service , you can evaluate arbitrary HTML in the context of a certain scope. 通过使用$ compile服务 ,您可以在特定范围的上下文中评估任意HTML。 Example: 例:

var element = $compile(angular.element('<button ng-click="doSomething()"></button>'))(scope);

The variable element then contains an angular.element (or jQuery if you are using it) that you can insert anywhere in the DOM. 然后,变量element包含一个angular.element(或jQuery,如果您正在使用它),您可以在DOM中的任何位置插入。 Clicking the button will result in an invocation of scope.doSomething() . 单击该按钮将导致调用scope.doSomething() Hope this helps. 希望这可以帮助。

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