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[英]PHP import using txt file

I am using following code for importing data into database using txt file 我正在使用以下代码使用txt文件将数据导入数据库

while (!feof($handle)) // Loop til end of file.

    $buffer = fgets($handle, 4096); // Read a line.

    $data_array =explode("|",$buffer);//Separate string by the means of |

    $escaped_array = array_map('mysql_escape_string',$data_array);

    $escaped_array = '("'.implode('","',$escaped_array).'") ';

    if($i !=1) {
       echo $sql = 'INSERT INTO '.$tablename.' VALUES'.$escaped_array; 
        mysql_query($sql) ; //or die(mysql_error().$tablename);// use mysql insert query here

} //end while

it inserting values like INSERT INTO PROVIDER_DEMOGRAPHIC VALUES("10000104","Sand","David","C","MD","Family Practice","","N","N","N","P","125\\r\\r\\n") INSERT INTO PROVIDER_DEMOGRAPHIC VALUES("10000105","Stucky","Mitchell","B","MD","Family Practice","","N","N","N","P","101\\r\\r\\n") 它插入诸如INSERT INTO PROVIDER_DEMOGRAPHIC VALUES(“ 10000104”,“ Sand”,“ David”,“ C”,“ MD”,“家庭实践”,“”,“ N”,“ N”,“ N”,“之类的值P“,” 125 \\ r \\ r \\ n“)插入PROVIDER_DEMOGRAPHIC值(” 10000105“,” Stucky“,” Mitchell“,” B“,” MD“,”家庭实践“,”“,” N“, “N”, “N”, “P”, “101 \\ r \\ r \\ n” 个)

I donot want extra character in last fiels like \\r\\n\\r Please tell me how i can trim it. 我不想在\\ r \\ n \\ r等最后的字段中使用其他字符,请告诉我如何修剪它。

You are reading the newline characters from the file, and may need to trim it 您正在从文件中读取换行符,可能需要对其进行修剪

Use: 采用:

$buffer = fgets($handle, 4096); // Read a line.
$buffer = rtrim($buffer);
$escaped_array = array_map('mysql_escape_string',$data_array);

Warning: mysql_ function is deprecated as of PHP 5.5.0, and will be removed in the future. 警告:从PHP 5.5.0开始不推荐使用mysql_函数,以后会删除它。 Instead, the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extension should be used. 相反,应使用MySQLiPDO_MySQL扩展。

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