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[英]bootstrap-select with knockoutjs binding to select 2 out of 4 options

I have made a bootstrap-select picker using knockoutjs custom binding , I am providing it data from my flask view which is the list of users. 我已经使用基因敲除自定义绑定创建了一个引导选择拾取器,我从烧瓶视图(它是用户列表)中提供了数据。 I need to select 2 out of 4 options only. 我只需要选择4个选项中的2个。 Please have a look at my select tag 请看看我的选择标签

<select data-bind="selectPicker: selectPicking, selectPickerOptions: { options: allusers, optionsText: 'uname', optionsValue: 'uuid' }" data-live-search="true" multiple="true" ></select>

Now I am getting this 现在我得到这个


I want to select only 2 out of 4 options how can I do this , as such there is no options size attribute in HTML or HTML5 where I can define that I would like to select only 4 users from n number of users. 我只想从4个选项中选择2个,我该怎么做,因此在HTML或HTML5中没有选项size属性,可以定义从n个用户中仅选择4个用户。 Do i need to write some knockout code or JS code for this. 我是否需要为此编写一些敲除代码或JS代码。

Here is how you would go about limiting your checkboxes selected count: 以下是限制复选框选择数量的方法:

Link to a fiddle for this 为此链接到小提琴

// Describes what an option is
var option = function(data){
    this.Name = ko.observable(data.Name);
    this.Selected = ko.observable(data.Selected);
var optionsVM = function(){
    var self = this;
    // Collection of options
    self.options = ko.observableArray();
    // Find out which items are selected
    self.selectedItems = ko.computed(function(){
        return ko.utils.arrayFilter(self.options(), function(item){
            return item.Selected() === true;
    // Dummy init to put options in the collection
    self.init = function(){
            new option({ Name : "Test 0", Selected: false }),
            new option({ Name : "Test 1", Selected: false }),
            new option({ Name : "Test 2", Selected: false }),
            new option({ Name : "Test 3", Selected: false }),
            new option({ Name : "Test 4", Selected: false })

    self.canCheck = function(item){
        var _canCheck = self.selectedItems().length < 2;
        if (_canCheck){
            // If it can check then just toggle
            return true;
        if (!_canCheck && item.Selected()){
            // if it can't then only allow deselection
            return true;
var myOptions = new optionsVM();

html: HTML:

<ul data-bind="foreach: options">
    <li><label><input type="checkbox" data-bind="click: $parent.canCheck, checked: Selected()" /> <span data-bind="text: Name"></span> <span data-bind="text: Selected"></span></label></li>

<p data-bind="text: selectedItems().length"></p>

Pay close attention to the fact that I have made the checked binding of the checkbox a one way binding (a read only property) by executing it in the view using () 请密切注意我通过使用()在视图中执行复选框,使复选框的选中绑定成为一种单向绑定(只读属性)这一事实

There are many ways of doing this and this is only one. 有很多方法可以做到这一点,但这仅仅是一种。

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