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[英]Java order of expression evaluation with AND and OR

    boolean a = false;
    boolean b = false;
    boolean c = false;
    boolean bool = (a = true) || (b = true) && (c = true);
    System.out.println("" + a + b + c);

The prceding code prints truefalsefalse . 上面的代码显示truefalsefalse But, the && operator has higher precedence than the || 但是, &&运算符的优先级高于|| operator and should be evaluated first, so why doesn't it print truetruetrue ? 运算符,并且应该首先对其进行评估,所以为什么不输出truetruetrue呢?

I believe the crux of your question is this part: 相信您的问题的关键是这部分:

But, the && operator has higher precedence than the || 但是,&&运算符的优先级高于||。 operator and should be evaluated first 运算符,应首先进行评估

No. Precedence doesn't affect execution ordering . 不会。优先顺序不会影响执行顺序 It's effectively bracketing. 这是有效的包围。 So your expression is equivalent to: 因此,您的表达式等效于:

boolean bool = (a = true) || ((b = true) && (c = true));

... which still executes a = true first. ...仍然会先执行a = true At that point, as the result will definitely be true and || 到那时,结果肯定是true|| is short-circuiting, the right-hand operand of || 短路时, ||的右侧操作数 is not executed, so b and c are false. 未执行,因此bc为假。

From JLS section 15.7.1 : JLS第15.7.1节开始

The left-hand operand of a binary operator appears to be fully evaluated before any part of the right-hand operand is evaluated. 在评估右侧操作数的任何部分之前,似乎已对二进制运算符的左侧操作数进行了完全评估。

Precedence is not relevant to that. 优先次序与此无关。

|| is short-circut so its right side will be evaluated only if at left will be false . 是短循环的,因此只有在左侧为false才对右侧进行评估。

Because it performs lazy evaluation. 因为它执行惰性评估。

Since (a = true) returns true , (b = true) && (c = true) is never evaluated. 由于(a = true)返回true ,因此(b = true) && (c = true)不会被求值。 And hence you get such an output. 因此,您会得到这样的输出。

The && and || &&和|| operators are "short-circuit": they don't evaluate the right hand side if it isn't necessary. 操作员“短路”:如果不需要,他们不会评估右侧。

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