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Excel VBA:为什么事件触发两次?

[英]Excel VBA: Why does event trigger twice?

I'm trying to avoid Event loops by disabling Events at crucial points.我试图通过在关键点禁用事件来避免事件循环。 However, it doesn't always work.但是,它并不总是有效。 For instance, this code for a Combo box:例如,此组合框的代码:

Private Sub TempComboS_Change()
Dim e
e = Application.EnableEvents
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.EnableEvents = e
End Sub

The blank line is where the useful code goes;空行是有用代码所在的位置; as it stands it obviously doesn't do anything.就目前而言,它显然没有做任何事情。 However, when I run it this way (with the blank line), it reaches "End Sub", then it goes back to the beginning and runs again.但是,当我以这种方式(使用空行)运行它时,它到达“End Sub”,然后返回到开头并再次运行。 (This would make the useful code run twice). (这将使有用的代码运行两次)。

Why is this happening?为什么会这样?

EDIT: To clarify for the folks who've been helping me.编辑:澄清那些一直在帮助我的人。

I have a macro that opens the dropdown list of the Combo box, activates it, then ends.我有一个宏可以打开组合框的下拉列表,激活它,然后结束。 It works properly.它工作正常。 When I select an item from the open list, the Change event runs.当我从打开列表中选择一个项目时,Change 事件就会运行。 This is the current version of the change event:这是更改事件的当前版本:

Private Sub TempComboS_Change()
End Sub

I put a breakpoint on the Private Sub line.我在 Private Sub 行上放置了一个断点。 It shows that this Change event runs, then runs again.它表明此 Change 事件运行,然后再次运行。 I suspect that it has been doing this all along, and I noticed it now because I need to add code here.我怀疑它一直在这样做,现在我注意到了,因为我需要在这里添加代码。

I have no class modules or userforms.我没有类模块或用户表单。 The controls are on a worksheet.控件位于工作表上。

I'm going to try the "Run Once" suggestion, and I'll let you know if it works.我将尝试“运行一次”建议,如果它有效,我会告诉您。

I tried the "Run Once" code you suggested.我尝试了您建议的“运行一次”代码。 It sort of works, but I seem to have a bigger issue.有点工作,但我似乎有一个更大的问题。 When I select a drop-down list from a data-validated cell, the TempComboS_Change event triggers -- but not only didn't I touch this combo box, the cell isn't the LinkedCell for the combo box.当我从经过数据验证的单元格中选择一个下拉列表时,TempComboS_Change 事件会触发——但我不仅没有触摸这个组合框,而且该单元格不是组合框的 LinkedCell。 In other words, it seems to be triggering by actions unconnected to the combo box!换句话说,它似乎是由与组合框无关的操作触发的!

Got to find out about that Call Stack thing...必须找出有关调用堆栈的东西...

Here is a bit of code to help investigate "sequence of events" issues这是一些有助于调查“事件顺序”问题的代码

In a Standard Module在标准模块中

Public Enum eNewLine
End Enum

Public Function timeStamp(Optional d As Double = 0, Optional newLine As eNewLine = No, Optional Indent As Long = 0, _
                            Optional Caller As String, Optional Context As String, Optional message As String) As String
Dim errorMessage As String

    If Err.number <> 0 Then
        errorMessage = "ERROR: " & Err.number & ": " & Err.Description
    End If
    If d = 0 Then d = Time
    With Application.WorksheetFunction
        timeStamp = .Text(Hour(d), "00") & ":" & .Text(Minute(d), "00") & ":" & .Text(Second(d), "00") & ":" & .rept(Chr(9), Indent)
    End With
    If Len(Caller) <> 0 Then timeStamp = timeStamp & Chr(9) & Caller
    If Len(Context) <> 0 Then timeStamp = timeStamp & ": " & Chr(9) & Context
    If Len(message) <> 0 Then timeStamp = timeStamp & ": " & Chr(9) & message
    Select Case newLine
    Case Before
        timeStamp = Chr(10) & timeStamp
    Case After
        timeStamp = timeStamp & Chr(10)
    Case Both
        timeStamp = Chr(10) & timeStamp & Chr(10)
    Case Else
    End Select
    If Len(errorMessage) <> 0 Then
        timeStamp = timeStamp & Chr(9) & errorMessage
    End If

End Function

At the top of each Module在每个模块的顶部

'Module level Trace Hearder
Const debugEvents as Boolean = True
Const cModuleName As String = "myModuleName"
Const cModuleIndent As Long = 1

You can assign a module level indent for each module to organise the hierarchy an make it easy to understand.您可以为每个模块分配一个模块级缩进以组织层次结构并使其易于理解。

In each Sub or Function (or property if you need)...在每个子或函数(或属性,如果你需要)...

sub mySubName()
Const cMyName As String = "mySubName"

If debugEvents Then Debug.Print timeStamp(NewLine:=Before,Indent:=cModuleIndent, Caller:=cModuleName, Context:=cMyName, Message:="Start")

'Do stuff

If debugEvents Then Debug.Print timeStamp(NewLine:=After,Indent:=cModuleIndent, Caller:=cModuleName, Context:=cMyName, Message:="End")
End Sub

...Or you can use Me.Name for the Context if its a form or a sheet etc. and you can put whatever message or variable values you like in the Message. ...或者您可以使用 Me.Name 作为上下文,如果它是表单或工作表等,并且您可以在消息中放置您喜欢的任何消息或变量值。

You can also use a Timer (eg MicroTimer) and put the result in the Message section.您还可以使用计时器(例如 MicroTimer)并将结果放入消息部分。

Here is an example output:这是一个示例输出:

15:54:07:       Roll-Up Select:     Worksheet_Activate:      Start: 3.24591834214516E-03

15:54:07:           cDataViewSheet:     Class_Initialize:   Start

15:54:07:               cRevealTarget:  Class_Initialize:   START
15:54:07:               cRevealTarget:  Class_Initialize:   END

15:54:09:           cDataViewSheet:     startTimer:     : START
15:54:09:           cDataViewSheet:     startTimer:     init Timer
15:54:09:               cOnTime:    Class_Initialize
15:54:09:               cOnTime:    Let PulseTime:  Inheret PulseTime from host sheet
15:54:09:           cDataViewSheet:     startTimer:     : END

15:54:09:       Roll-Up Select:     Worksheet_Activate:      END:   1.38736216780671
Private Sub cmbOrder_Change()
    If cmbOrder = "" Then Exit Sub

    Dim arr As Variant, maxorder As Integer
    arr = Range("rngOrder")
    maxorder = WorksheetFunction.Max(arr)
    Dim errmsg As String, err As Boolean
    err = False
    errmsg = "This value must be a whole number between 1 and " & maxorder + 1
    Dim v As Variant
    v = cmbOrder.Value
    If IsNumeric(v) = False Or (IsNumeric(v) = True And (v > maxorder + 1) Or v < 1) 
        MsgBox errmsg
        cmbOrder = ""
        err = False
        txtOrder.Value = cmbOrder.Value
    End If

End Sub

A bit late to the party but the problem of code repetition can be shown here in similar circumstances.聚会有点晚,但在类似情况下可以在这里显示代码重复的问题。 Remove the first line of code and any error messages are dished out twice.删除第一行代码,任何错误消息都会抛出两次。 This is because of the line that clears the ComboBox that is regarded as a change and picks up another error as null input is an error!这是因为清除 ComboBox 的行被视为更改并拾取另一个错误,因为 null 输入是错误! May help someone with similar issue.可以帮助有类似问题的人。

The Combobox_Change() will fire whenever there is a change in the combobox.只要组合框发生变化,Combobox_Change() 就会触发。 For example例如

Option Explicit

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    ComboBox1.AddItem "Bah Blah"
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    '~~> If something is selected in the combo then
    '~~> this line will cause ComboBox1_Change to fire
End Sub

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
    MsgBox "A"
End Sub

So if you load the userform and select an item ComboBox1_Change will fire.因此,如果您加载用户表单并选择一个项目ComboBox1_Change将触发。 You then use the commanbutton to clear the combo the ComboBox1_Change will again fire.然后使用命令按钮清除ComboBox1_Change将再次触发的组合。

There is one more scenario when the change will again fire.还有一种情况会再次触发更改。 When you change the combobox from the ComboBox1_Change event itself.当您从ComboBox1_Change事件本身change组合ComboBox1_Change Here is an example.这是一个例子。 And I believe this is what is happening in your case.believe这就是你的情况。

Scenario 1场景一

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    ComboBox1.AddItem "Bah Blah"
End Sub

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
    MsgBox "A"
End Sub

Scenario 2场景二

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    ComboBox1.AddItem "Bah Blah"
    ComboBox1.AddItem "Bah Blah Blah"
End Sub

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
    MsgBox "A"
    ComboBox1.ListIndex = 1
End Sub

In the first scenario you can getaway with在第一种情况下,您可以逃脱

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    ComboBox1.AddItem "Bah Blah"
End Sub

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
    If ComboBox1 <> "" Then
        MsgBox "A"
    End If
End Sub

In the 2nd Scenario, you can use something like this在第二个场景中,你可以使用这样的东西

Dim boolRunOnce As Boolean

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    ComboBox1.AddItem "Bah Blah"
    ComboBox1.AddItem "Bah Blah Blah"
End Sub

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
    If boolRunOnce = False Then
        MsgBox "A"
        boolRunOnce = True
        ComboBox1.ListIndex = 1
        boolRunOnce = False
    End If
End Sub

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