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[英]c# exception file is being used by another process

i have trouble with the following two functions. 我在以下两个功能上遇到麻烦。 Both have a indentical basic scheme but first one work, second one causes an exception at marked line("File is used by another process"). 两者都有一个相同的基本方案,但是第一个工作,第二个在标记的行处引起异常(“文件被另一个进程使用”)。

    // this works
    public static void EncryptFile(string FileName)
        string ToEncrypt = null;

        using(StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(FileName))
            ToEncrypt = sr.ReadToEnd();
        using(StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(FileName, false))
            string Encrypted = Encrypt(ToEncrypt, true);
    // this works not - see commented lin
    public static void DecryptFile(string FileName)
        string ToDecrypt = null;

        using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(FileName))
            ToDecrypt = sr.ReadToEnd();
        // here comes the exception
        using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(FileName, false))
            string Decrypted = Decrypt(ToDecrypt, true);

I have tried with an additional Close() after read and write, but this works not too. 在读写之后,我尝试使用额外的Close(),但这不是很有效。 I hope, somebody can help. 我希望有人可以提供帮助。

Thanks 谢谢

Torsten 托斯滕

Is the function called from multiple threads? 是否从多个线程调用该函数? If yes you may want to declare a static object on class level and place a lock statement around the entire body of that method. 如果是,则可能要在类级别上声明一个静态对象,并在该方法的整个主体周围放置一个锁语句。 Like this: 像这样:

private static Object syncObject = new Object()
// this works not - see commented lin
public static void DecryptFile(string FileName)
        string ToDecrypt = null;

        using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(FileName))
            ToDecrypt = sr.ReadToEnd();
        // here comes the exception
        using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(FileName, false))
            string Decrypted = Decrypt(ToDecrypt, true);

Also could you, just for fun, comment the StreamReader statement and try to run the method again? 您也可以只是出于娱乐目的而注释StreamReader语句,然后尝试再次运行该方法? If it still doesn't work, check if you've that file open in a texteditor or something alike by using ProcessExplorer or something similiar. 如果仍然无法使用,请使用ProcessExplorer或类似工具检查您是否已在文本编辑器中打开该文件或类似文件。

edit could you comment the StreamReader part? 编辑您可以评论StreamReader部分吗? So that it looks like this: 这样看起来像这样:

 public static void DecryptFile(string FileName)

    //string ToDecrypt = null;

    //using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(FileName))
     //   ToDecrypt = sr.ReadToEnd();
    // here comes the exception
    using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(FileName, false))
        string Decrypted = Decrypt(ToDecrypt, true);


also could you try to open an exclusive FileStream on that file before the StreamReader and once after the StreamReader but before the StreamWriter? 您还可以尝试在StreamReader之前,在StreamReader之后但在StreamWriter之前打开该文件的独占FileStream吗? http://msdn.microsoft.com/de-de/library/tyhc0kft%28v=vs.110%29.aspx http://msdn.microsoft.com/de-de/library/tyhc0kft%28v=vs.110%29.aspx

Also could you try and use another file for that method? 还可以尝试为该方法使用另一个文件吗?

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