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[英]How to upload an SQL file if it's greater than 1MB?

When I try to install the ip2country, I get the following message : 当我尝试安装ip2country时,出现以下消息:

Mysql packet size is 1MB and it is lower than the size of the file GeoIPCountryWhois.csv which is 5.85MB. Mysql数据包大小为1MB,小于文件GeoIPCountryWhois.csv的大小5.85MB。 Please download the other version of import.php at http://phpweby.com/software/ip2country 请从http://phpweby.com/software/ip2country下载其他版本的import.php。

In the local server, I can modify the php.ini file, but how about the remote server ? 在本地服务器上,我可以修改php.ini文件,但是远程服务器呢? Do I have to contact my hosting provider and ask him to modify it for me, or there is a way on how can I set this from a PHP code ? 我是否必须联系托管服务提供商并要求他为我修改托管服务提供商,或者有一种方法可以通过PHP代码进行设置?

You should make use of BigDump . 您应该使用BigDump

Staggered import of large and huge MySQL Dumps even through the web servers with hard runtime limit and those in safe mode. 即使通过具有严格运行时限制的Web服务器以及处于安全模式的Web服务器,也可以交错导入大型和大型MySQL转储。

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