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[英]else statement printing multiple times - array loop

I want my code to loop through an array and only give the user an option to delete a student only if there are values in the array. 我希望我的代码遍历数组,并且仅在数组中有值时才给用户一个删除学生的选项。 If all the array values are null then I want it to print out a message. 如果所有数组值都为null,那么我希望它打印出一条消息。 The problem is that my message is printing out multiple times for each null element in the array. 问题是我的消息为数组中的每个null元素多次打印。

My code: 我的代码:

  static void deleteStudent() {
    for (int i = 0;i < 10;i++) {
      if (studentNamesArray[i] != null) {
        System.out.println("Which student would you like to delete?");
        System.out.println(i + ": " + studentNamesArray[i]);
        int studentChoice = input.nextInt();
        for (i = studentChoice + 1;i < studentNamesArray.length; i++) {
          studentNamesArray[i-1] = studentNamesArray[i];
        nameArrayCount = nameArrayCount -1;
        studentNamesArray[studentNamesArray.length - 1] = null;
        for(i = studentChoice + 1;i < 9;i++) {
          for(int y = 0;y < 3;y++) {
            studentMarksArray[i-1][y] = studentMarksArray[i][y];
        markArrayCount = markArrayCount - 1;
        for(int y = 0;y < 3;y++) {
          studentMarksArray[9][y] = 0;
      } else {
          System.out.println("There are no students stored");

The else block runs in each loop iteration. else块在每个循环迭代中运行。 If you want to run it only once at the end, do something like this: 如果您只想在最后运行一次,请执行以下操作:

boolean studentFound = false;

for (int i = 0;i < 10;i++) {
    if (studentNamesArray[i] != null) {
        studentFound = true;

Then after the for : 然后在for

if (!studentFound) {
    System.out.println("There are no students stored");

Here is how I would determine if all the elements are null. 这是我将确定所有元素是否为空的方法。 The reason yours prints it out for each null element is that the print statement is inside the for loop. 您为每个null元素打印出来的原因是print语句位于for循环内。

boolean allNull = true; // default is that everything is null
for(int i = 0; i < studentNamesArray.length; i++) { // iterate through entire array
    if(studentNamesArray[i] != null) { // if even 1 of them is not null
        allNull = false; // set allNull to false
        break; // and break out of the for loop

if(allNull) System.out.println("There are no students stored!");

In your for loops, you use the same variable i , in which it overrides the original variable used in the for loop. for循环中,您使用相同的变量 i ,其中它覆盖了for循环中使用的原始变量。

Try something like this: 尝试这样的事情:

static void deleteStudent() {
    for (int i = 0;i < 10;i++) {
      if (studentNamesArray[i] != null) {
        System.out.println("Which student would you like to delete?");
        System.out.println(i + ": " + studentNamesArray[i]);
        int studentChoice = input.nextInt();
        for (int j = studentChoice + 1;j < studentNamesArray.length; j++) {
          studentNamesArray[j-1] = studentNamesArray[j];
        nameArrayCount = nameArrayCount -1;
        studentNamesArray[studentNamesArray.length - 1] = null;
        for(int k = studentChoice + 1;k < 9;k++) {
          for(int y = 0;y < 3;y++) {
            studentMarksArray[k-1][y] = studentMarksArray[k][y];
        markArrayCount = markArrayCount - 1;
        for(int z = 0;z < 3;z++) {
          studentMarksArray[9][z] = 0;
      } else {

Although, I am not sure what you are trying to print out, I made adjustments to the other variable names based on my intuition; 虽然我不确定您要打印的内容,但我还是根据自己的直觉对其他变量名称进行了调整; the result might not be exactly as resulted, but I am sure you can make further adjustments with the variable names so that you are not over-riding each other and causing excessive loops. 结果可能与结果不完全相同,但是我敢肯定您可以对变量名进行进一步的调整,以免彼此重叠,也不会引起过多的循环。

I suggest to use 'boolean' variable, lets name it 'flag'. 我建议使用“布尔”变量,将其命名为“标志”。 Initialize it as 'false'. 将其初始化为“ false”。 If you found not null element in array, when set 'flag = true'. 如果在数组中未找到null元素,则设置'flag = true'。 After 'for' loop check 'if (!flag) System.out.println ("There are no students.");'. 在'for'循环之后,检查'if(!flag)System.out.println(“没有学生。”);'。

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