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[英]Why is my call of the CUDA math library sqrt() function failing?

I am new to Cuda, I have the following function: 我是Cuda的新手,我有以下功能:

__global__ void square(float *myArrayGPU)
   myArrayGPU[threadIdx.x] = sqrt(threadIdx.x);

I want to use the cuda math library, I tried to #include "math.h" but I still get the error 我想使用cuda数学库,我试着#include "math.h"但我仍然得到错误

error: calling a __host__ function("__sqrt") from a __global__ function("square") is not allowed

Any idea what library should I include to use the sqrt ? 知道我应该包含什么库才能使用sqrt

threadIdx.x is of type int. threadIdx.x的类型为int。 CUDA math library is overloaded only for single precision ( float ) and double precision ( double ). CUDA数学库仅针对单精度( float )和双精度( double精度)进行重载。 You need to supply either a 'float' or 'double' type parameter to sqrt() for the CUDA version of sqrt() to be called. 您需要提供无论是“浮动”或“双”类型参数sqrt()为的CUDA版本sqrt()被调用。

Change 更改

myArrayGPU[threadIdx.x] = sqrt(threadIdx.x);


myArrayGPU[threadIdx.x] = sqrt( (float) threadIdx.x);

For more detailed information, take a look at the CUDA sqrt() prototype documentation . 有关更多详细信息,请查看CUDA sqrt()原型文档

sqrt expects a floating type variable. sqrt期望浮点型变量。 Try sqrt((float)(threadIdx.x)) 尝试sqrt((float)(threadIdx.x))

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