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FOSRestBundle&Propel&JMSserializerBundle Symfony2

[英]FOSRestBundle & Propel & JMSserializerBundle Symfony2

I'm trying to follow William Durand's tutorial here to create a rest api using fosrest bundle and propel. 我试图按照威廉·杜兰德的教程在这里创建使用fosrest捆绑,并推动一个REST API。 I've been beating my head against the serialization for 2 days now. 我已经连续2天对抗序列化了。 I've found some users that ran into a similar problem, but have found no solution. 我发现一些用户遇到了类似的问题,但没有找到解决方案。

Here is my controller: 这是我的控制器:

 * @Rest\View
public function allAction(){
    $messages = MessageQuery::create()->find();
    return array('messages' => $messages);

I'm expecting an output of messages and ids, however I get an output with information about my model: 我期待输出消息和id,但是我得到一个包含我的模型信息的输出:

{ "messages" : { "formatter" : { "as_columns" : [  ],
      "class" : "My\\FooBundle\\Model\\Message",
      "collection_name" : "PropelObjectCollection",
      "current_objects" : [  ],
      "db_name" : "fooDB",
      "has_limit" : false,
      "peer" : "My\\FooBundle\\Model\\MessagePeer",
      "with" : [  ]
  "model" : "My\\FooBundle\\Model\\Message"
} }

I've ensured that my jmsserializer bundle has the propelcollectionhandler.php patch. 我已经确保我的jmsserializer包有propelcollectionhandler.php补丁。

I have this in my app/config/config.yml 我在app/config/config.yml有这个

        auto_detection: true
                namespace_prefix: "My\\FooBundle\\Model\\om"
                path: "@MyFooBundle/Resources/config/serializer"

I've seen that the namespace_prefix is blank on some of the examples on Github, because they claim the BaseModel in propel has no namespace, but my autogenerated propel base models have a namespace, is this something new in 1.7? 我已经看到在Github上的一些例子中namespace_prefix是空白的,因为他们声称在推进中的BaseModel没有命名空间,但是我的自动生成的推进基础模型有一个命名空间,这是1.7中的新内容吗? I have tried it with and without a namespace_prefix and I do have a Model.om.BaseTableMessage.yml file in the specified directory. 我在有和没有namespace_prefix情况下尝试了它,并且我在指定的目录中有一个Model.om.BaseTableMessage.yml文件。

Has anybody ran into this problem? 有人遇到过这个问题吗? How did you solve it? 你是怎么解决的? Thanks! 谢谢!

Solution from Quentin Favrie from https://groups.google.com/d/msg/symfony2/FqiqJ2dqAM8/8b-9xucG7k4J worked for me. 来自https://groups.google.com/d/msg/symfony2/FqiqJ2dqAM8/8b-9xucG7k4J的 Quentin Favrie的解决方案为我工作。

Add this code to My/FooBundle/Resources/config/services.yml 将此代码添加到My/FooBundle/Resources/config/services.yml

    jms_serializer.propel_collection_handler.class: JMS\Serializer\Handler\PropelCollectionHandler

        class: %jms_serializer.propel_collection_handler.class%
            - { name: jms_serializer.subscribing_handler }

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