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[英]Do I have to overload every operator for a class to behave like one of its member variables?

Given a user defined type such as the following: 给定用户定义的类型,如下所示:

struct Word{
    std::string word;
    Widget widget;

Is there a way to make every overloaded operator of the class behave exactly the same as if it was just a string? 有没有办法让这个类的每个重载运算符表现得完全一样,就像它只是一个字符串一样? Or do I have to implement the class the following way: 或者我必须通过以下方式实现该类:

struct Word{

    bool operator < (Word const& lhs) const;
    bool operator > (Word const& lhs) const;
    bool operator <= (Word const& lhs) const;
    bool operator => (Word const& lhs) const;
    bool operator == (Word const& lhs) const;
    bool operator != (Word const& lhs) const;

    std::string word;
    Widget widget;

making sure I account for every overloaded operation a string contains, and applying the behaviour to just the string value. 确保我考虑字符串包含的每个重载操作,并将行为应用于字符串值。

I would say your best option is to use std::rel_ops that way you only have to implement == and < and you get the functionality of all of them. 我想说你最好的选择是使用std::rel_ops ,这样你只需要实现==<并获得所有这些功能。 Here's a simple example from cppreference. 这是cppreference的一个简单示例。

#include <iostream>
#include <utility>

struct Foo {
    int n;

bool operator==(const Foo& lhs, const Foo& rhs)
    return lhs.n == rhs.n;

bool operator<(const Foo& lhs, const Foo& rhs)
    return lhs.n < rhs.n;

int main()
    Foo f1 = {1};
    Foo f2 = {2};
    using namespace std::rel_ops;

    std::cout << std::boolalpha;
    std::cout << "not equal?     : " << (f1 != f2) << '\n';
    std::cout << "greater?       : " << (f1 > f2) << '\n';
    std::cout << "less equal?    : " << (f1 <= f2) << '\n';
    std::cout << "greater equal? : " << (f1 >= f2) << '\n';

If you need a more complete version of this type of thing use <boost/operators.hpp> 如果您需要更完整版本的此类事物,请使用<boost/operators.hpp>

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