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[英]Using WebRTC to stream audio to java server

I'm afraid the answer to my question is no, but I'm asking it anyway just in case. 我担心我的问题的答案是否定的,但无论如何我都要问它以防万一。

What I would like to do is stream audio from a chrome browser to a server written in Java via WebRTC. 我想做的是将音频从chrome浏览器传输到通过WebRTC用Java编写的服务器。 My understanding is that to accomplish this I need a Java implementation of peerconnection. 我的理解是,要实现这一点,我需要一个peerconnection的Java实现。 All I've found so far is the libjingle Java API for android but that hasn't been particularly useful for integrating into my server app (I'd prefer an actual Java implementation, not just a C++ wrapper). 到目前为止,我发现的只是用于android的libjingle Java API,但这对于集成到我的服务器应用程序中并不是特别有用(我更喜欢实际的Java实现,而不仅仅是C ++包装器)。

If a library to do what I want really doesn't exist does anyone have any pointers for how I might approach actually implementing the WebRTC spec myself? 如果一个库来做我想要的东西真的不存在,那么有没有人能指出我自己如何实际实现WebRTC规范? When I look at such a large spec I don't really know where to start. 当我看到这么大的规格时,我真的不知道从哪里开始。

You can use IceLink . 你可以使用IceLink We (I helped develop it) wrote a Java implementation for it, as well as .NET and Objective C. 我们(我帮助开发它)为它编写了一个Java实现,以及.NET和Objective C.

This is a complete Java WebRTC signal server written with Java i/o sockets. 这是一个用Java i / o套接字编写的完整的Java WebRTC信号服务器。 https://code.google.com/p/jfraggws/ Just make a project, include the .Java file and include rt.jar in the project. https://code.google.com/p/jfraggws/只需创建一个项目,包含.Java文件并在项目中包含rt.jar。 Next set the port on the Html 5 client and plug in your servers IP. 接下来在Html 5客户端上设置端口并插入服务器IP。 You now have java webrtc. 你现在有java webrtc。

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