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[英]Keyboard not dismissing when UIAlertView with textfields is dismissed

Ok, so I've got a view controller that is being displayed one of two ways: 好的,所以我有一个显示以下两种方式之一的视图控制器:

  1. Through a storyboard segue 通过情节提要segue
  2. Manually via [MyViewController presentViewController:]. 通过[MyViewController presentViewController:]手动进行。

Basically, it's a settings view that can be shown via navigating to the settings section of the app or shown on demand if the user needs to input something into the view. 基本上,它是一个设置视图,可以通过导航到应用程序的设置部分来显示,或者如果用户需要在视图中输入某些内容,则可以按需显示。

In the settings view, I have a UIAlertView that pops up with a username and password style alert. 在设置视图中,我有一个UIAlertView,带有用户名和密码样式警报。 The first text field is set to firstResponder and the keyboard appears as normal. 第一个文本字段设置为firstResponder,键盘正常显示。 If I dismiss the alert (via cancel or any other button) the keyboard disappears. 如果我关闭了警报(通过“取消”或任何其他按钮),键盘将消失。

Now, for the issue: If I show the view controller through the segue, everything works properly. 现在,解决这个问题:如果我通过segue显示视图控制器,则一切正常。 If I show it manually, the keyboard will never dismiss no matter what I do. 如果我手动显示它,则无论我做什么,键盘都将永远不会消失。

I've tried setting another view as first responder then resigning, that doesn't help. 我尝试将其他视图设置为第一响应者,然后辞职,这无济于事。 I've tried calling [self.view endEditing:YES] but that doesn't help. 我尝试调用[self.view endEditing:YES],但这无济于事。 I've sent a global resignFirstResponder via: 我已通过以下方式发送了全球resignFirstResponder:

[[UIApplication sharedApplication] sendAction:@selector(resignFirstResponder) to:nil from:nil forEvent:nil];

but that doesn't help. 但这无济于事。 I've even hooked up a private API to get the first responder, but it reported the first responder as (null). 我什至已经连接了私有API来获取第一个响应者,但是它报告第一个响应者为(null)。

Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

You can conform self as a delegate of your UIAlertView once you create one. 创建一个UIAlertView后,您就可以将self作为其代表。 After that in: 在那之后:

- (void)alertView:(UIAlertView *)alertView clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex

method you can get reference to your text field and you can call resignFirstResponder on it. 方法,您可以获取对文本字段的引用,并可以在其上调用resignFirstResponder。

I would make sure to show the alert late in the view life cycle of the view controller that's presenting it, eg 我要确保在呈现警报的视图控制器的视图生命周期中显示警报,例如

- (void)viewDidAppear {
    [super viewDidAppear];
    [self performSelector:@selector(showTheAlert) afterDelay:0.0];

- (void)showTheAlert {
    // alloc, init and show the alert here

And I'd use a delegate callback to give the textView first responder, eg 我将使用委托回调给textView第一响应者,例如

- (void)didPresentAlertView:(UIAlertView *)alertView {
    [theUsernameTextField becomeFirstResponder];

And I'd use the delegate for any dismissal to resign. 我会用委托人辞职。 There's no downside to resigning first responder on a text field that isn't the first responder, so just resign both. 在不是第一响应者的文本字段上辞退第一响应者没有任何弊端,因此只需将两者都辞职即可。

- (void)alertView:(UIAlertView *)alertView willDismissWithButtonIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex {

    [theUsernameTextField resignFirstResponder];
    [thePasswordTextField resignFirstResponder];

Implement the below method 实施以下方法

- (void)alertView:(UIAlertView *)alertView clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex
      UITextField *txtField = [alertView textFieldAtIndex:buttonIndex];
      [txtField resignFirstResponder];

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