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[英]HTML5 Mobile Web App

I've just created the required HTML5 Mobile web pages(including the CSS3 and javascript pages). 我刚刚创建了必需的HTML5 Mobile网页(包括CSS3和javascript页面)。 I've got the apk file from build.phonegap.com as well. 我也有来自build.phonegap.com的apk文件。 But I want it to be dynamic ie I should be able to add content from my laptop. 但是我希望它是动态的,即我应该能够从笔记本电脑中添加内容。 I've searched a lot but I'm unable to get the right info on doing this. 我进行了很多搜索,但无法获得正确的信息。 I just want to be adding simple text paragraphs from my local server(laptop) to the app on the go. 我只想将本地服务器(笔记本电脑)中的简单文本段落添加到旅途中的应用程序中。 What do I do ? 我该怎么办 ?

听起来您需要设置某种类型的json / sql网络服务。

Use your machine's ip to do this. 使用计算机的ip来执行此操作。

Suppose your laptop ip is 假设您的笔记本电脑IP为192.168.1.1

Then from your application just use 然后从您的应用程序中使用

replace  http://localhost/  to

EDIT: 编辑:

Treat your laptop as remote server and access the files in it as you normally do in website building. 像在网站建设中一样,将笔记本电脑当作远程服务器,并访问其中的文件。

From another post I think might help... 我认为从另一篇文章可能会有所帮助...

1- if you are building the whole site from scratch: You can create your site by any CMS like dotNetNuke or joomla which will allow you to login and edit what you want 1-如果您是从头开始构建整个网站:您可以通过任何CMS(例如dotNetNuke或joomla)创建网站,这将允许您登录和编辑所需内容

2- if you are building just this page from scratch : You can build your page with online-editing in mind, in this case I recommend to build two pages one for for viewing content and the other for online-editing you can use any HTML-Editor control like FCKEditor 2-如果仅从头开始构建此页面:可以考虑在线编辑来构建页面,在这种情况下,我建议构建两个页面,一个用于查看内容,另一个用于在线编辑,您可以使用任何HTML -编辑器控件,如FCKEditor

3- if you are dealing with already built page : it will be easier to build administration page which you can upload the new version of the content page to it, and the administration page take care of replacing the content page 3-如果要处理已构建的页面:构建管理页面会更容易,您可以将内容页面的新版本上传到该页面,而管理页面负责替换内容页面

Or maybe even the knockout js plugin could be something to look into http://jsfiddle.net/rniemeyer/LkqTU/ 甚至连淘汰赛js插件都可能需要研究一下http://jsfiddle.net/rniemeyer/LkqTU/

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