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[英]How to add CSS properties for text in the Fabric.js

I want to use css property "-webkit-transform" in the fabric.js or fabric.curvedText.js I want to display text on the canvas like : http://trentwalton.com/2011/05/10/fit-to-scale/ 我想在fabric.js或fabric.curvedText.js中使用css属性“-webkit-transform”我想在画布上显示文本,如: http://trentwalton.com/2011/05/10/fit-to-scale/ ://trentwalton.com/2011/05/10/fit-to http://trentwalton.com/2011/05/10/fit-to-scale/

-webkit-transform: skewY(-15deg);

this css property is used to display text like in the above link. 此css属性用于显示上述链接中的文本。

I have add this property in the fabric.curvedText.js like other properties are added eg.:spacing, radius etc. 我在fabric.curvedText.js中添加了这个属性,就像其他属性一样添加了例如:spacing,radius等。

following is the modified code for the adding -webkit-transform this property rest of the code is same as in the fabric.curvedText.js 以下是添加-webkit-transform的修改代码,此属性的其余部分与fabric.curvedText.js中的相同

var stateProperties = fabric.Text.prototype.stateProperties.concat();
    var _dimensionAffectingProps = fabric.Text.prototype._dimensionAffectingProps;
    _dimensionAffectingProps['radius']          = true;
    _dimensionAffectingProps['spacing']         = true;
    _dimensionAffectingProps['reverse']         = true;
    _dimensionAffectingProps['fill']            = true;
    _dimensionAffectingProps['textShadow']          = true;
    _dimensionAffectingProps['-webkit-transform']       = true;

    var delegatedProperties = fabric.Group.prototype.delegatedProperties;
    delegatedProperties['backgroundColor']      = true;
    delegatedProperties['textBackgroundColor']  = true;
    delegatedProperties['textDecoration']       = true;
    delegatedProperties['stroke']           = true;
    delegatedProperties['strokeWidth']      = true;
    delegatedProperties['textShadow']       = true;
    delegatedProperties['-webkit-transform']    = true;

    fabric.CurvedText = fabric.util.createClass(fabric.Text, fabric.Collection, /** @lends fabric.CurvedText.prototype */ {
        type: 'curvedText',
        radius: 50,
        spacing: 15,
        reverse: false,
        bulge: false,

Fabric objects don't exist in the document. 文档中不存在Fabric对象。 They're virtual objects in memory, represented to the world via element, as a 2-dimensional image. 它们是记忆中的虚拟物体,通过元素向世界表示,作为二维图像。

That's why you can't apply CSS transformation to them; 这就是为什么你不能对它们应用CSS转换的原因; they're not elements in the document. 它们不是文档中的元素。

It's like trying to feed a cat that's being shown on TV. 这就像试图喂养正在电视上播放的猫一样。 The image that you see is just a representation of a cat, so you can't "modify" it with things that you'd use to "modify" regular objects (feed, pet, dress, etc.). 您看到的图像只是猫的代表 ,因此您无法使用用于“修改”常规对象(饲料,宠物,衣服等)的东西来“修改”它。

In order to skew Fabric object, you'd need to augment their representation to account for skewing (in fabric.Object.prototype.render method, for example). 为了扭曲Fabric对象,您需要扩充它们的表示以解决倾斜(例如,在fabric.Object.prototype.render方法中)。

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