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[英]Jruby unzip class with each method

I am trying to write a JRuby script to unzip and parse bunch of archived log files (each log is a zip file). 我试图编写一个JRuby脚本来解压缩和解析一堆归档日志文件(每个日志都是一个zip文件)。 it can be easily implemented like this. 这样可以很容易地实现。

zipfile = java.util.zip::ZipFile.new(java.io::File.new(@zipfile))
entries = zipfile.entries

while entries.hasMoreElements
  entry = entries.nextElement
  is = zipfile.getInputStream(entry)
  bis = java.io::BufferedInputStream.new(is)
  br = java.io::BufferedReader.new(java.io::InputStreamReader.new(bis))
  while (line = br.readLine()) != nil
      /parsing line here/

but the code looks really messy. 但是代码看起来真的很乱。 what I really want is a unzipper class which can be used like, btw the log file can be huge, so loading them all in memory is not a good option. 我真正想要的是一个可以使用的解压缩类,但日志文件可能很大,因此将它们全部加载到内存中并不是一个好选择。 ideally it only pull the next line whenever each is triggered 理想情况下,它仅在每次触发时才拉下一行

unzipped = Unzipper.new(zipped_log_file_name)
unzipped.each do |x|
    /parsing line here/

尝试gem rubyzip具有更多ruby-sh API http://rubydoc.info/gems/rubyzip/1.1.0/frames

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