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SQL Oracle触发器错误

[英]Sql oracle trigger error

Hi I was wondering if someone can help me adjust my trigger. 嗨,我想知道是否有人可以帮助我调整触发器。 I have only been working with triggers for only couple of weeks and quite new to it. 我仅与触发器一起使用了仅几周时间,这对我来说还是很新的。 My trigger is suppose to add $75 per day a boat is return late to the customer_balance account. 我的触发条件是,假设某条船迟交至customer_balance帐户每天要增加$ 75。 If the boat is return early then it adds $20 per day the boat was return early to the customer_Balance account. 如果该船提早归还,则每天增加20美元,该船提早归还到customer_Balance帐户。 I keep getting errors trying to get this trigger to work right so I was wondering can help or explain to me what I am doing wrong. 我一直在尝试使此触发器正常工作时出错,因此我想知道是否可以帮助或向我解释我做错了什么。 Thank you. 谢谢。

create or replace trigger trig_penalty
        before update of customer_balance
    on customer  for each row
   i number;
   s varchar(20);
   select customer_balance into s
     from customer
    where customer_ID =:new.customer_id;

    i := :new.charter_returndate - :old.charter_duedate;
    if i>=0 then
       dbms_output.put_line('Late return fee added');
       update customer
          set customer_balance=customer_balance+75*i
        where customer_id=s;
       dbms_output.put_line('Early return refund added');
       update customer
          set customer_balance=customer_balance+20*i
        where customer_id=s;
    end if;

Well you have to understand that a trigger is an artifact that work for (in your case) each row that are being modified. 好吧,您必须了解,触发器是一种(在您的情况下)适用于被修改的每一行的工件。 So you are doing unecessary work on it. 因此,您正在对此进行不必要的工作。

Try this: 尝试这个:

create or replace trigger trig_penalty
        before update of customer_balance
    on customer  for each row
   i number;
   s varchar(20);
   --You dont need to select the id is it is already on :new.customer_id
   -- your trigger is for UPDATE
   ---select customer_balance into s
   ---  from customer
   --- where customer_ID := :new.customer_id;

    i := :new.charter_returndate - :old.charter_duedate;
    if i>=0 then
       --Do not use dbms_output in an internal object.
       --dbms_output.put_line('Late return fee added');

       --You don't need to run an update for an update trigger you
       -- just need to set the new value on :NEW.FIELD
       --update customer
       --   set customer_balance=customer_balance+75*i
       -- where customer_id=s;

       --As you select this value I'm using the OLD which means the value that 
       --Was already on the table

       :NEW.customer_balance := :OLD.customer_balance+75*i;

       --dbms_output.put_line('Early return refund added');
       --update customer
       --   set customer_balance=customer_balance+20*i
       -- where customer_id=s;

       :NEW.customer_balance := :OLD.customer_balance+20*i; 

    end if;

That should do it. 那应该做。 Remeber for an BEFORE trigger the value setted on :NEW will end up on the table. 请记住,在触发之前,在:NEW上设置的值将最终显示在表上。

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