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[英]MEF with open generic type

I have these interfaces 我有这些接口

public interface IImageSource<T>
    // Properties
    T OutputFrame { get; set; }
    string Name { get; set; }
    Guid Guid { get; set; }

    // Events
    event EventHandler<DmEventArgs<T>> NewFrameOutput;

    // Methods
    bool Start();
    bool Stop();
    void Initialize();

public interface IImageFilter<TIn, TOut>
    // Properties
    TIn Input { get; set; }
    string Name { get; set; }
    Guid Guid { get; set; }

    TOut Process(TIn frame);

Based on these interfaces i created classes like 基于这些接口我创建了类

public class AForgeImageSource : IImageSource<Image<Bgr, byte>>
    // Implementation...

public class AnotherFilter1 : IImageFilter<Image<Bgr, byte>, Image<Bgr, byte>>
    // Implementation...

The question is how do i use MEF to fufill all the object that implement IImageSource into an observable collection ImageSources? 问题是如何使用MEF将实现IImageSource的所有对象填充到可观察的集合ImageSources中? or how to use MEF to get all the object that implement IImageFilter into an observable collection ImageFilters? 或者如何使用MEF将实现IImageFilter的所有对象都放入可观察的集合ImageFilters中?

I tried the below but not working. 我尝试了以下但没有工作。 BTW, i'm using MEF and MEF Contrib. 顺便说一下,我正在使用MEF和MEF Contrib。

    public ObservableCollection<IImageSource<object>> ImageSources
        // Implementation...

    [ImportMany(typeof(IImageFilter<object, object>))]
    public ObservableCollection<IImageFilter<object, object>> ImageFilters
        // Implementation...

The collection of the ImageFilters can be make up of ImageFilters的集合可以组成

IImageFilter<string, string>
IImageFilter<string, int>
IImageFilter<int, double>

and here's the code I get MEF to do the composition. 这是我得到MEF来完成作文的代码。

public void LoadPluginList()
    var pluginsDirectoryPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\Plugins";
    //var aggregateCatalog = new AggregateCatalog();
    //var genericCatalog = new GenericCatalog();

    var catalog = new DirectoryCatalog(pluginsDirectoryPath);
    var container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);


Any idea how to get this to work? 知道如何让这个工作吗?

Here are some samples 这是一些样本

These do not work 这些都行不通

Cardinality mistmatch results in TestModule being rejected. 基数错误导致TestModule被拒绝。

1. 1。

public class IntegerCollection: List<int>


public class TestModule : Microsoft.Practices.Prism.Modularity.IModule
    public IEnumerable<int> Integers
        get { return m_Integers; }
        set { m_Integers = value; }
    } private IEnumerable<int> m_Integers;

    public void Initialize()

2. 2。

public class IntegerCollection: List<int>


public class TestModule : Microsoft.Practices.Prism.Modularity.IModule
    public IEnumerable<int> Integers
        get { return m_Integers; }
        set { m_Integers = value; }
    } private IEnumerable<int> m_Integers;

    public void Initialize()

This one works 这个有效

public class IntegerCollection: List<int>


public class TestModule : Microsoft.Practices.Prism.Modularity.IModule
    public IEnumerable<int> Integers
        get { return m_Integers; }
        set { m_Integers = value; }
    } private IEnumerable<int> m_Integers;

    public void Initialize()

Why? 为什么? Well, int is assignable from object , so i can export IEnumerable<int> as IEnumerable<object> with no problem. 好吧, int可以 object赋值,所以我可以将IEnumerable<int>导出为IEnumerable<object>而没有任何问题。

However, if i exported an IEnumerable<double> and IEnumerable<object> instead , it will fail because double is not assignable to int . 然而,如果我导出一个IEnumerable<double>IEnumerable<object> 相反 ,它会失败,因为double不可分配到int

My recommendations: 我的建议:

  • Consider a non-generic base interface 考虑一个非通用的基本接口
  • Import your filters to a property of type IEnumerable but use a contract name string to for the exports and import definitions. 将过滤器导入IEnumerable类型的属性,但使用合同名称字符串来导出和导入定义。 eg [Export("IMAGE_FILTERS")] 例如[Export("IMAGE_FILTERS")]

The export and import type does not match. 导出和导入类型不匹配。 Try 尝试

public class AnotherFilter1 : IImageFilter<Image<Bgr, byte>, Image<Bgr, byte>>
// Implementation...

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