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Java Generics Comparable | 实现compareTo

[英]Java Generics Comparable | implement compareTo

I'm facing a problem with java generics. 我正面临java泛型的问题。 My plan is to implement a binary search tree (key & value) with generics with total ordering. 我的计划是使用具有总排序的泛型实现二叉搜索树(键和值)。 I started by creating this KeyValPair and faced the problem of getting the right compareTo method. 我开始创建这个KeyValPair并面临获得正确的compareTo方法的问题。

public class KeyValPair <V extends Comparable<V>>
        implements Comparable<KeyValPair<V>>{

    private int key;
    private V value;
    private KeyValPair<V> leftchild;
    private KeyValPair<V> rightchild;

    public KeyValPair(int k,V v){

    public Comparable<?> getKey(){
        return key;

    public Comparable<?> getValue(){
        return value;

    public void setRightChild(KeyValPair<V> r){

    public KeyValPair<V> getRightChild(KeyValPair<V> r){
        return rightchild;

    public void setLeftChild(KeyValPair<V> l){

    public KeyValPair<V> getLeftChild(KeyValPair<V> l){
        return leftchild;

    public int compareTo(KeyValPair<V> toComp) {
            return -1;
        }else if(this.getValue().compareTo(toComp.getValue())==0){
            return 0;
            return 1;


The if sentences in compareTo are not acceppted and I think it's because of the fact that I overrode the compareTo , but how should I compare generics? compareTo中的if语句没有加入,我认为这是因为我重写了compareTo ,但我应该如何比较泛型呢?

Also tried Comparable instead of K with same result. 也试过Comparable而不是K同样的结果。

Best Regards 最好的祝福

EDIT: What compiler says: Multiple markers at this line - The method compareTo(capture#1-of ?) in the type Comparable is not applicable for the arguments (Comparable) - Line breakpoint:KeyValPair [line: 39] - compareTo(KeyValPair) 编辑:编译器说什么:此行的多个标记 - Comparable类型中的compareTo(捕获#1-of?)方法不适用于参数(可比较) - 行断点:KeyValPair [line:39] - compareTo(KeyValPair )



public class KeyValPair{

private int key;
private Comparable<?> value;
private KeyValPair leftchild;
private KeyValPair rightchild;

public KeyValPair(int k,Comparable<?> v){

public Comparable<?> getKey(){
    return key;

public Comparable<?> getValue(){
    return value;

public void setRightChild(KeyValPair r){

public KeyValPair getRightChild(KeyValPair r){
    return rightchild;

public void setLeftChild(KeyValPair l){

public KeyValPair getLeftChild(KeyValPair l){
    return leftchild;


Now i updated the code of the KEYVALPAIR, but if i test it with my BST Class with method adder as example: 现在我更新了KEYVALPAIR的代码,但如果我使用方法加法器的BST类测试它作为示例:

private void adder(KeyValPair current,KeyValPair toInsert) {

it throws: The method compareTo(capture#2-of ?) in the type Comparable is not applicable for the arguments (Comparable) 它抛出:Comparable类型中的compareTo(捕获#2-of?)方法不适用于参数(Comparable)


I solved it by putting KEYVALPAIR as inner class to BST and use V extends Comparable. 我通过将KEYVALPAIR作为内部类添加到BST并使用V extends Comparable来解决它。 Works now, thanks for your help. 现在工作,谢谢你的帮助。

You don't need to cast key or value to comparable since V is required to be comparable already. 您不需要将键或值转换为可比较的,因为V必须已经可比较。 Doing so just makes it harder to use your class because now you have just a Comparable instead of usable values or keys. 这样做只会让你更难使用你的类,因为现在你只有一个Comparable而不是可用的值或键。

public int getKey() {
    return key;

public V getValue() {
    return value;

public int compareTo(KeyValPair<V> toComp) {
    return -this.getValue().compareTo(toComp.getValue());

You should also consider to relax the requirement that V must implement Comparable<V> 您还应该考虑放宽V必须实现Comparable<V>

class KeyValPair<V extends Comparable<? super V>>

would allow eg classes like Apple extends Fruit implements Comparable<Fruit> - those can still be ordered if they are comparable to super types. 允许像Apple extends Fruit implements Comparable<Fruit>这样的类Apple extends Fruit implements Comparable<Fruit> - 如果它们可以与超类型相媲美,那么仍然可以订购。

Your problem here is that you are required to compare V to an other V and you don't have the slightest idea about its runtime type. 您的问题是,您需要将V与其他V进行比较,并且您对其运行时类型没有任何想法。

It can be a String or an Integer and you obviously don't compare them the same way. 它可以是StringInteger ,你显然不会以同样的方式比较它们。

So I think that your KeyValPair should not implement Comparable since its members ( V instances) are already doing so: <V extends Comparable<V>> . 所以我认为你的KeyValPair不应该实现Comparable因为它的成员( V实例)已经这样做了: <V extends Comparable<V>>

If you want some comparison you can simply do something like: 如果你想进行一些比较,你可以简单地做一些事情:


getValue() should also return Comparable<V> , the wildcard is not necessary. getValue()也应该返回Comparable<V> ,不需要通配符。

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