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[英]SQLAlchemy: Join to subquery with no from field

I have a table called product_model with its corresponding ProductModel SQLAlchemy model. 我有一个名为product_model的表及其相应的ProductModel SQLAlchemy模型。

I wish to join the product_model table to a select sub query which simply unnests two PostgreSQL arrays (product model ids, and quantity) and then join the product_model table to this data. 我希望将product_model表连接到一个select子查询,该查询只是取消两个PostgreSQL数组(产品模型ID和数量),然后将product_model表连接到此数据。 The data is taken from a simple cart (a python dict). 数据来自简单的购物车(python dict)。 I am using PostgreSQL for this use case, however if a better idea exists I will be more than happy to use an alternative. 我正在使用PostgreSQL用于此用例,但是如果存在更好的想法,我将非常乐意使用替代方案。

In SQL this would look as follows (this statement calculates the total mass of all products in the cart): 在SQL中,这将如下所示(此语句计算购物车中所有产品的总质量):

SELECT SUM(p.mass * c.quantity) FROM product_model AS p
  SELECT UNNEST(ARRAY[1]) AS model_id, UNNEST(ARRAY[2]) AS quantity
) AS c ON p.id = c.model_id
GROUP BY p.id;

I would like to model this SQL statement in SQLAlchemy. 我想在SQLAlchemy中建模这个SQL语句。 Is this possible? 这可能吗? I'm not sure how to join to a subquery which doesn't select from a table. 我不知道如何加入一个不从表中选择的子查询。 Or will I need to search for an alternative? 或者我需要寻找替代方案吗?

Not sure how good your solution is, but here's how to write your SQL query using SQLAlchemy: 不确定您的解决方案有多好,但是这里是如何使用SQLAlchemy编写SQL查询:

from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import array

# First write the subquery.  array() function is used for Pg ARRAY literals.
subq = db.session.query(

# Now when you have the subquery, you can use it as if it were a Table object.
q = db.session.query(db.func.sum(ProductModel.mass * subq.c.quantity)).\
    join(subq, ProductModel.id == subq.c.model_id).\

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