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[英]wpf - Dynamically Moving TextBlock

I have a TextBlock that I create during run-time: 我在运行时创建了一个TextBlock:

TextBlock firstBlock = new TextBlock();
firstBlock.Text = "Mary Joe";
firstBlock.Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, -1500, 0);
firstBlock.FontSize = 72;
firstBlock.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center;
firstBlock.Foreground = Brushes.Red;

I want to be able to move the TextBlock down the Y-axis smoothly. 我希望能够将TextBlock平稳地沿Y轴向下移动。 I've thought to use DoubleAnimation, but I couldn't find a property to alter in order to move it. 我曾经考虑过使用DoubleAnimation,但是我找不到要更改的属性来移动它。 I would also like to make the text smaller as it goes downwards (kind of like a reverse Stars Wars Credits, but no 3D). 我还想使文本向下变小(有点像反向的《星际大战》,但没有3D)。 I know this stuff is pretty simple to make in xaml, but I want to be able to call the animation at certain times and add new text each time in the blocks. 我知道用xaml制作东西很简单,但是我希望能够在特定时间调用动画并每次在块中添加新文本。 I've searched around a lot to no avail. 我搜索了很多无济于事。 I figured I would post here to see if smart people could help me :). 我想我会在这里发布,看看聪明的人是否可以帮助我:)。

You can use a TranslateTransform on the TextBlock to move it. 您可以在TextBlock上使用TranslateTransform来移动它。 Use a double animation on the Y property. 在Y属性上使用双重动画。

For the FontSize use another double animation to shrink the value. 对于FontSize,使用另一个double动画来缩小值。 Put them both in a Storyboard and you can run them at the same time. 将它们都放在情节提要中,您可以同时运行它们。

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