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[英]IEnumerable Best Practice of removing int item

I have a IEmunerable list with N items for example: 23, 1, 38..... 我有一个包含N个项目的IEmunerable列表,例如:23、1、38 .....

The needed logic is, when looping thru the list: 遍历列表时,所需的逻辑是:

1: find if 1exist 1:查找是否存在1

2: if 1 exist, find 2 2:如果存在1,则找到2

3: if 2 exist, find 3 3:如果存在2,则找到3

4: If 3 exist, remove 3 from the current list. 4:如果存在3,则从当前列表中删除3。

My current approach is: 我当前的方法是:

foreach(var x in someIntList)
        if(someIntList.Any(y => y==2))
            if(someIntList.Any(z => z==3))
                //This is the shortest code i can think of, but apparently its wrong. Error saying there is no Except method for IEmunerable<Int> ?
                someIntList = someIntList.Except(3);





You need to pass IEnumerable<int> to except, like this 您需要将IEnumerable<int>传递给except,像这样

someIntList = someIntList.Except(new[] {3});

read more about Except on MSDN MSDN上阅读有关Except的更多信息

To remove better use this, I can't imagine shorter version: 为了更好地使用它,我无法想象更短的版本:

    someIntList.Remove(3); // **if it's a list**
    someIntList = someIntList.Except(3); //**if it's a IEnumerable**

Snippet 片段

var x = new List<int> {5, 4, 3, 2, 1};
        if(x.Contains(1) && x.Contains(2) && x.Contains(3)) x.Remove(3);

Just in case... 以防万一...

IEnumerable<int> y = new List<int> {5,4,3,2,1};

So if you are getting an IEnumerable from your method. 因此,如果您从方法中获得IEnumerable。

var x = y.ToList()

If you need to remove all, x.RemoveAll(z=>z == 3); 如果需要删除所有内容,请x.RemoveAll(z => z == 3);

It's not clear why you're looping to start with, or using Any instead of Contains : 目前尚不清楚为什么要循环开始,还是使用Any而不是Contains

if (someIntList.Contains(1) && someIntList.Contains(2) && someIntList.Contains(3))
    someIntList = someIntList.Where(x => x != 3); // Possibly with ToList()?

You probably don't want to use Except as that's a set-based operation - if your original list contains duplicates, they will be removed if you use Except . 您可能希望使用Except因为这是基于集合的操作-如果您的原始列表包含重复项,那么如果您使用Except ,则会将其删除。

Note that this will remove all occurrences of 3 - is that what you want, or do you just want to remove the first occurrence of 3? 请注意,这将删除所有出现的3-是您想要的,还是只想删除第一个出现的3?

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