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[英]How to print textfile with QPrinter

I have a list of textfiles in a treeview (with QFileSystemModel). 我在树视图中有一个文本文件列表(使用QFileSystemModel)。 If a textfile is selected and a print button is pressed. 如果选择了文本文件并按下了打印按钮。 It should show a print dialog and the file should be printed out. 它应显示一个打印对话框,并打印出该文件。 I thought (after reading documentations and examples) it should look like this: 我认为(在阅读文档和示例之后)它应该如下所示:

void berichtenhistorie::on_printButton_released()
     QModelIndex index = ui->treeView->currentIndex();
     QFileSystemModel *model = (QFileSystemModel*)ui->treeView->model();

     QString path = model->filePath(index);
     QString name = model->fileName(index);

     QString dir = path;
     dir.remove(dir.size() - name.size(), name.size());
     QFile file(path);

     if(file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text))
         if(file.rename(QString("%1geprint %2").arg(dir, name)))
                 qDebug() << "renamed";
     //all above works correctly

     QPrinter printer(QPrinter::HighResolution);
     printer.setPageMargins (15,15,15,15,QPrinter::Millimeter);
     QPainter painter(&printer);

The renaming part (so above all the printing stuff) works as it should, no errors or anything. 重命名部分(因此高于所有打印内容)可以正常工作,没有任何错误或任何错误。 But I get abunch of errors at the printing error. 但是我在打印错误时会出现错误。 I thought it was because of the libraries, because im using Qt5. 我以为是因为库,因为我使用的是Qt5。

#include <QDirModel>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QtPrintSupport/QPrintDialog>
#include <QtPrintSupport/QPrinter>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QFile>

Here are the errors: 以下是错误: 在此输入图像描述

Apparently you are using Qt5, where printing functionality has been placed in separate add on (in Qt4 it is part of QtGui module), see documentation . 显然你正在使用Qt5,其中打印功能被单独添加(在Qt4中它是QtGui模块的一部分),请参阅文档 So you have to add to pro file this line: 所以你必须添加到pro文件这一行:

QT += printsupport

This will fix your build error, but your code doesn't print yet. 这将修复您的构建错误,但您的代码尚未打印。 You have to use painter . 你必须使用painter

If you are planing to support Qt4 it should be like this 如果您计划支持Qt4,它应该是这样的

greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4) {
    QT += printsupport

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